
Ah Monday

Mondays are so hideous.  Unless you work the weekend shift.  Saturday and Sunday shifts tend to drag…the hospital’s inactivity is both a blessing and a curse.  I look forward to the start of the week the way most people long for the weekend.  My Saturday was studded with bouts of obnoxious psych patients (and inappropriately overbearing family members), which led me to dread coming to work on Sunday.  Fortunately we have charge nurses who look out for our sanity, so my assignment was switched up on Sunday. Kyle was watching football when I got home… Read more >

Fifth time’s the charm

What’s a typical restaurant search like with my family?  Well, it usually involves no fewer than 4 different places, which we analyze over and over, weighing the menu options for everyone’s specific diet and/or food preferences.  And it almost always takes half an hour.  Minimum.  Add in two extra people and that brings the search time up to an hour.  Didn’t end up here.   Or here.   Or here.   But there are certainly worse places to be browsing than Madrid’s Plaza Santa Ana.  We finally made ourselves comfy in a wine bar.  … Read more >

Best Diets for Healthy Eating

Have you guys seen this article?  US News and World Report ranked the 20 most popular diets in terms of “healthiness” based on these criteria. Before even reading the article, I was suspicious. After reading it, I am annoyed. While there are certainly some pitfalls to going vegan without doing any research, I’d hardly consider it to be less healthy than the Slim Fast diet.  I mean seriously!?!  You’ve gotta be joking me.  1,200 calories a day with shakes for meals is not remotely sustainable.  And yet, veganism, a diet lifestyle that tons of people… Read more >

Here, not there

A long time ago I requested this weekend off work for the Foodbuzz Festival in SF.  The reasons I like going are obvious ones… You get to meet all your favorite blog friends… You get wined beered and dined… [if you have great friends they will help you out when your hands are full] And you get to do it all in the city by the Bay… Nothing beats it. Add to it a trip home to see your family and it seems like the perfect weekend, right? Perhaps it would have been, but I’m… Read more >

Night rider

Working the PM shift means (a) cycling to work, (b) sleeping at odd hours, and (c) craving dinner foods for breakfast and vice versa. Potatoes are kinda an anytime food.  And based on their shape they have different names, which correspond with breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Pretty random, but interesting (to me at least).  Hash?  Breakfast.  Wedges?  Dinner.  Fries?  Lunch.  Cubes?  Dinner.  Shoetrings?  Lunch.  Which am I missing?    I don’t know what meal this was actually.  There was coffee involved, which also doesn’t help narrow it down much.  😉   Yummy.  I sprinkled nooch… Read more >