
How does your garden grow

Since I keep referencing them, I thought I’d show off the progress of my little babies.   In just a few weeks, they’ve gone from the photo above, to the photo below.   Makes me so happy!!   What I found so far is that they love sun, water, and coffee.  [We have very similar preferences]   Yes, you read that correctly.  My plants are coffee addicts.  My mom turned me onto it and they’ve shot up like little lightning bolts as a result.  I take any leftover coffee and water it down and they… Read more >

I have news

I’ve been keeping a secret from you guys. For months and months and months I’ve been working on a FODMAPs free cookbook that is vegan friendly. You see, since discovering how my gut is affected by FODMAPs back last year, I immediately knew I had to share this knowledge.  But the more and more research I did, the more I found meat-centric meal plans that seriously lacked plant based foods.  As you all well know, I am a veggie lover.  So I set to work finding a way to make the FODMAPs lifestyle work for… Read more >

Habits of the Healthy

Dr. Oz was on the Today show a (few?) weeks ago and he was talking about the 5 habits of “healthy” people. 1. Eat breakfast every day – I’m surprisingly bad at this.  I always eat breakfast on work days, but on my days off, I am slow starting.  I don’t wake up hungry, so rather than eat first thing, I wait ‘til my body wants something.  Typically it’s coffee first and foremost.  2. Exercise – well duh, we all saw that one from a mile away.  3. Sex life – since my parents and… Read more >

Celebration of Mothers

To all the mothers in my life.   You are amazing. And to my own madre…     Thanks for holding my hand when I was scared. Thanks for doing all the worrying on my wedding day so I didn’t have to. Thanks for teaching me how to cook. Thanks for instilling in me the value of family. Thanks for encouraging me to be me. Thanks for passing along the fast metabolism gene. Thanks for making sure our vacations are the perfect amount of nerdy. I love you.