
Sugar frustrations

My second glucose test was this morning.  This time I had to drink 100 g of glucose.  After fasting for >8 hours.  So last night I got home from work, showered, ate a low carb dinner and tried not to think about how my body was about to enter starvation mode.  My seitan and daiya dinner would have made Mr. Atkins so proud.  My body really doesn’t like being without whole grains.  I was itching to throw my vegan “cheese-steak” on some whole wheat bread.  In the end I added a bit of quinoa to… Read more >

Forbidden Fruit

An ode to the best fall produce of all…apples… Since discovering apples were a FODMAPs no-no, I’ve been eating them so infrequently it hurts my heart.  My stomach is happier, but my taste buds are mourning the loss. In honor of Fall and pregnancy cravings I threw caution to the wind and spent (the weekend before) my birthday picking apples at Riley’s Farm.  And brainstorming all the ways to use my bounty. So far I’ve come up with a pretty awesome list: crock-pot applesauce and applesauce coffee cake apple & tempeh sandwiches curried apple soup… Read more >

Ten (birthday) things

1. Today is my 30th birthday. 2. My mom took me to brunch this morning here. 3. Then we strolled along the pier. 4. Tonight I’m going to dinner with this girl. 5. And seeing this concert. 6. My email accounts (yes, both) got hacked and I sent spam out to every single person in my contact list.  Sorry! 7. My doctor called to tell me my glucose tolerance test came back high (positive) and I need to do the fasting one now.  I’m trying not to let this get me down today, but it… Read more >

What’s growing?

I was supposed to work this Saturday, but I lucked out big time and got the 4:30 am call.  I love seeing my work number on my phone before my alarm goes off.  It’s always good news.  In this case, they were overstaffed so I got a holiday.  And with that, my weekend turned into all kinds of awesome.  🙂 Unable to get back to sleep, I just decided to get up.  I took a photo of my bump in the (dirty) bathroom mirror since you guys all gave me crap for not showing a… Read more >

Choose your own…

You guys probably know my basic hippie bowl formula by now: grain + veggie/green + protein My classic is a quinoa, carrot & seitan bowl, but I also love brown rice, squash & tofu…couscous, spinach & “sausage”…millet, tempeh & kale…the list goes on and on.  This is a pretty obvious statement, but tweaking a meal by only one or two ingredients can often lead to the feeling that it’s a totally different dish.  And you really don’t have to do much extra work.  Take the meal I made the other night for example. protein =… Read more >