
Weeks 27 – 33

Well, I’m (hopefully) a solid 6 weeks from “the big day”. But who knows… I can say with 100% certainty that the end of the second trimester brought the end of the honeymoon phase of pregnancy. Out with the nice little bump, in with the belly! And the rest of the not-so-fun symptoms – like acid reflux, insomnia, and cramping. Ok, my belly isn’t really that big yet. I’m hardly waddling. But my body has changed big time. Exercise pretty much stopped around week 27. This was partially due to the fact that I was… Read more >

32 week check-in

So I last left off at week 26. Phew.  It feels like things have changed in a huge and significant way since then, which is odd since it hasn’t really been that long at all. I guess the most important thing I should note is that we are both still healthy and growing, and everything seems to be as it should.  That said, I’m going to back up a bit.  Around week 27, I started noticing I was having pain (similar to menstrual cramping).  At first it wasn’t strong or that bad, and I just… Read more >

For our baby boy

On Saturday, December 8th, Kyle and I were joined by some of our best friends to celebrate our little bundle of joy. In just 8 weeks, he will be here…unless some of our friends’ guesses are correct… His due date is 2/7/13, but I’m a numbers freak, so I’m hoping it’s a multiple of 5.  Unless it’s the 15th.  I have a gut feeling about January 30th, but who knows.  I bet a dollar on it though.  🙂 Our friends also tried to guess his length & weight, as well as his name. I can… Read more >

Ten Reviews

Here are some products I’ve tried lately. Some were bad, some were okay, some were good, and some were awesome. So I figured I’d share. I have no affiliation with any of these companies. These are simply my honest opinions. 1. Lesser Evil krinkle sticks sea salt.  I’ve tried the veggie flavored krinkle sticks before and thoguht they were good, but kinda just a fluff filler food.  To be honest, I couldn’t really tell the difference between the sea salt flavor and the veggie flavor.  It was a little too vinegar-y for my taste.  Their… Read more >

The evolution of my grocery list

This post is semi-embarrassing, but was fun to reflect on and write.  I don’t eat a “perfect” diet now (whatever that means), nor will I ever, but I’ve come a LONG way in the past decade. *** I didn’t live in an apartment until my senior year of college.  Before that I was in the dorms or the sorority house.  We all know what dorm life is like…needless to say, moving to a gorgeous mansion with tons of girlfriends was a big upgrade.  And although living with a million other females wasn’t always such a… Read more >