
Elise Lately [VI]

I’m loving how much [free] produce I have access to living in the ‘burbs (slash farm country).  My garden is going bonkers, but I’m also reaping the benefits of others’ prolific gardens.  The peaches were a gift from a former patient’s family.  The lemon cucumber (??) and melon are from Kyle’s work shop’s owner’s fields (along with an unpictured zucchini the size of my leg).  And then there’s the cabbage and peppers that I’m currently fermenting…fingers crossed!   Since we don’t have cable, we are big into Amazon prime and Netflix instant streaming.  Has anyone… Read more >

Mom love

I get to spend this mother’s day, as a mother, with my husband and son.  <— And the fact that I can say that phrase right there, means everything to me.    It’s pretty cool to be part of this new club. Makes me appreciate my own mom even more.    Happy Mother’s Day mom :)  I love you so so much. 

Family Routine – 3 months

5:30 am:  I hear P on the baby monitor and wake up.  I watch him for a bit trying to determine if his fussing is real or not.  I go to the bathroom and by the time I come back to bed he’s back asleep.  So I go back to sleep too. 7:00 am: The fussing is back and this time I know he’s waking up for real.  Since Kyle’s already headed into the shop, showering is now or never, so I get up and the day begins. 7:03 am: Shower is done.  I throw… Read more >

Goat Cheese Manicotti

My sister sent me a guest post without any prodding from me – clearly blogging runs in our blood.  As I’m sure you’ve gathered in Elise’s previous blogs, as kids one of our (or at least my) favorite meals was manicotti.  Its also one of the first dishes I learned to cook as my mom would "let" us mix and stuff the shells (I’m pretty sure looking back on it now it was a ploy to get us to help out in the kitchen, but I guess it worked – take notes, Elise!). Anyway, since… Read more >

Post-Partum Stuff [3 weeks]

  I’m so in love.  With my little PAC man.  With Kyle.  With our family.  With our semi-insane-but-totally-awesome-routine.  I probably kiss my baby 600 times a day.  His squishy cheeks are just so adorable.  And his little nose.  And lips.  Gah.  I’m freakin’ crazy head over heels in love with him; and I can hardly believe Kyle and I created him. My body has healed pretty nicely.  I’m very lucky.  I know this has to do with good (great!) genes, an active pregnancy, and eating well.  I think raspberry leaf tea helped too.  And as… Read more >