
My highlights: week 28

Just some random photos from the week that made me happy.   I brought this Tiger Salad to a BBQ on Saturday (only I nixed the sesame for allergen purposes). I love my mandolin for slicing cukes!  It’s so fast and fun to take down a whole vegetable in seconds. Mama snuggles. In a clockwise fashion: massive salad with hemp seeds and all the veggies; cake farewell; banana bread; 105 degree weather treats. Buying massive amounts of bananas at Costco certainly has it’s perks. Chard from the garden, stays fresh in my vejibag. Top dog. Getting in… Read more >

The weekly menu

This week we made two big steps for Patty-cakes’ plant based eating and I am very excited.  I made a batch of roasted chickpeas – which the little dude ate singlehandedly over the course of the week.  I also got up the nerve to try sunflower seeds (I’d tried an oral sunflower oil challenge previously and no reaction, likewise I tried superficially testing him by placing a dab of sun butter on his wrist and no reaction), which have become an easy favorite.  He loves the seeds a ton and is neutral on the beans, but will… Read more >

The weekly menu

I have a week of food coming your way.  And I’m pretty proud of myself because despite Kyle being out of town I did a decent job of still making myself quality meals…as opposed to just half-assing it and rummaging through the fridge after putting P down. Once again, they’re all out of order. When I’m planning the week ahead, I have a vague idea of when I’ll do certain meals based on their hands-on time and my schedule, but I like the option to switch it mid-week if I don’t feel like a certain dish that day… Read more >

My highlights: week 27

Thanks to the 4th this felt like a really short week.  I love when weekends are almost as long as the week.  Kyle was gone for work last week and he left again today so I cherish the weekend time mucho mucho. How adorable are these two. It’s like my baby turned into a toddler overnight.  I know every parent on the planet says that, but still!  He’s a blur on film.    My family came for the 4th of July and we went to Crepeville for lunch.  It gave us a great view of the… Read more >

Allergy friendly yellow cake

I know (I think?) what you’re thinking.  Yellow cake?  What’s the point?  Chocolate is where it’s AT!  I agree with you, but every once in a while you need some quality yellow cake in your life.  Like on the 4th of July. Because it just feels right.  Is #merica just so 2013? Since I wanted P to be able to eat some, I made it allergen friendly.  As in, no wheat, gluten, dairy, nuts, or soy.  The batter does contain eggs and I’m not sure if it would turn out without them but if anyone wants… Read more >