
The weekly menu

I went big with Sunday prep this weekend (we’ve been out of town or busy the past several weekends that I’ve been doing it mid-week during nap times, but I way prefer getting a ton of stuff done before Monday hits). That’s brown rice in the rice cooker, turkey lentil bites in mini muffin form, roasted butternut squash, and bacon. I froze most of these after they cooled and P has already eaten almost all the ones I didn’t freeze.  Highly rec this recipe for toddlers. Unpictured: a huge veggie and salmon cold pasta dish for… Read more >

The latest from my kitchen

I used this recipe but halved it and made a few changes: I used coconut oil in place of butter, coconut sugar in place of brown sugar, subbed 3/4 cup steel cut oats for some of the rolled oats and used a mix of all purpose GF flour and oat flour instead of wheat flour.  Kyle got one cookie but I ate the rest.  In the words of cookie monster, nom nom nom nom nom. I also have a serious Asian thing going on with my taste buds right now.  On the left is fried rice leftovers, and… Read more >

Outside eats

I definitely cook way more than eat out, but over the past month I seemed to have amassed several food photos from restaurants and such that I felt like sharing.  I’m surprised I have so many actually because (a) I kinda forgot I had a blog for a while there and stopped taking pics of my eats; and (b) it’s a miracle my hard drive has room for anything given the insane volume of pacman videos it holds.  But sometimes yummy food needs to be photographed and apparently that’s engrained in me no matter how much time I… Read more >

Last weekend

I turned off the comments on my blog because I was being flooded with spam and it was annoying.  I miss the interaction with readers but it was making blog maintenance so obnoxious that it was the best solution I could come up with (without investing too much energy and time).  So I’m sorry to the 3 people who have tried to comment in the last few weeks. In reality, Patty-cakes is just SO MUCH FUN I can hardly contain myself.  I want to spend every second with him…and every other second talking about him.  But I have… Read more >

I still make food!

I have some photos that seem to have piled up since I have neglected this little blog for the past few weeks/months.  You see, despite my absence, I still cook and bake all the time.  I just don’t seem to find the time to share it.  Also, half the time I don’t write down recipes.  I think it’s because deep down I know I won’t likely get around to sharing it anyway.  But that’s lame on my part.  Especially because when things turn out well I’m annoyed that I don’t have the recipe to replicate… Read more >