
The weekly menu

This one will be a bit different because we were in the hospital for part of the week.  And then we got home and were treated to a couple of meals (take out from my mom and home-made from my girlfriend). A word about those people before I continue with the food stuff…oh my GOSH our support system!  I can’t even begin to put into words how blessed Kyle and I feel to have such incredible family and friends supporting us in so so many ways.  It’s been a phenomenal, invaluable, and just plain mind blowing gift.  I have… Read more >

Freezer Meals

Last time I was pregnant I wasn’t very good at preparing meals in advance.  I wasn’t terrible – we had some leftovers in mason jars – but not a lot and nothing super organized.  This time around I tried to get my ducks in a row before sh!t hit the fan and we had TWO KIDS.  Starting back in December I planned a meal or two extra into each weekly menu and cooked it and froze it for the postpartum period.  In case anyone else is in the same boat (for yourself or another new mama)… Read more >

Fab Four

My heart is exploding with love and I just wanted to pop in to share the news… Our threesome is now a foursome.  🙂 And we could not be happier. This labor and birth was totally different than my first and was (to be concise) a dream come true.  I’ll be back at some point.  <3

The weekly menu

Another gorgeoussssss weekend of sun and outside time as a fam bam.  Happy days for sure.  Spring in Davis has me all up in the best mood ever.  And guess what!?!  Farmer’s market returned on Wednesday nights this week!  It continues year round on Saturday mornings, but the Wednesday night sessions are the absolute best. Evening picnics with babies and food and music and fun makes me adore the town we live in more than any other place ever.  OK, ok, the dinner menu. Saturday night Kyle grilled chicken (again) and we all hung out outside (he… Read more >

The weekly menu

Saturday night was an easy one – sushi!!!! We had birthday parties (yes, plural) and swimming class which took up the whole day so cooking wasn’t happening.  Plus the weather was gorgggggeous, I wanted to be outside not in the kitchen. Sunday we went shopping for the week’s groceries (minus the stuff I got at WF later in the week) but otherwise was a mellow day.  We hit up the park in the late afternoon with some friends but didn’t stay long because Kyle was BBQing our dinner. On the left is perfectly grilled chicken (I… Read more >