
Chocolate coconut bombs

This is the recipe for the delicious treats my friend made me…which are basically chunks of heaven.  Not too sweet but pretty decadent, and yet I didn’t feel gross afterwards. Chocolate Coconut Bombs [vegan, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, optional nut free] Ingredients: 1 cup coconut oil 1 cup nut/seed butter of choice (she used chunky natural almond – chunky is definitely good for textural oomph in my opinion, sub sunbutter for nut free option) 1/2 c honey 1c cocoa (she used a mix of baking cocoa and special dark) salt and vanilla to taste… Read more >

What to do with lemons and kumquats

Last month (back when I was still pregnant and in mega nesting mode) I asked The Kitchn what the heck to do with all the kumquats that our tree was pumping out…aside from just eat them plain (which is fine but we had way more than enough for that purpose). Kumquat marmalade seemed the most useful of all the comments/suggestions, so I went and googled a bunch of different recipes and kinda morphed them into one jumbled all inclusive recipe.  David Lebovitz‘ was the dominant force and from there I just added my own tweaks to the citrus madness. Did… Read more >

The weekly menu

Weekend visit from my parents! We went out for a late lunch at Crepeville.  I got the Caesar salad with grilled salmon.  Nevermind that I had had a Caesar salad the previous night.  I really like them.  A lot. I brought food for P, obvs. Hey look!  A meal plan! [Don’t get too excited] After my parents left we ran some errands and I cleaned the house…you know…Sunday stuff.  We had meatballs and rice for dinner.  So gourmet.  🙂 The meatballs were Aidell’s chicken teriyaki and pineapple which were part of operation pre-baby freezer stocking.  I don’t really care… Read more >

Snack smoothie

As much prep as I did prior to the arrival of V – there’s just no way to prepare for everything.  Obvious statement much? When you are nursing, you need extra calories.  For me though, I am ravenous.  I need LOTS of calories.  I think this is common, but I’ll avoid generalizing because BFing is different for every mom. More than calories, what I crave is carbs.  Sweet stuff specifically.  And for the most part, I have been indulging, but I’m starting to feel not so great about it.  (1) My gut doesn’t love crappy… Read more >

Strawberry fields forever

Last week we went strawberry picking and came home with 5 POUNDS of strawberries.  Fresh berries are incredible, let me tell you.  P would agree – he ate a lot before they made their way to the bucket. So what do you do with five pounds of berries?  Well, eat them raw mostly.  They are just so freakin’ good we have been having them with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  But besides that, I decided this chia jam was next on the list.  I don’t have the My New Roots cookbook, but I want it now! I… Read more >