
Journal May 25

May 25, 2015 May 28th is my mom’s birthday and I am pretty excited to go to celebrate with her.  She’s turning 60 and that’s a big one.  It seems like after 30 you only celebrate the round decades so waiting a whole ten years for the next “big” birthday is an awfully long time to wait… My parents were just in Europe for a long trip.  Just the two of them.  They had a blast and it makes me happy to see them so happy.  I have good role models – for parenting and… Read more >

The weekly menu

I actually have some recipes that I created in this post!  Imagine that!  But in truth, I did get most inspiration from books and blogs, as I tend to these days. I already shared our (meatless) Monday dinner here.  We only had a small serving of leftovers – not enough to make a full meal – so I had it as part of a lunch later that week, bulked up with hemp seeds, avocado, and more greens.  I think I eat 1-2 avocados a day.  And P is in a similar rut.  It’s pricey. So anyway,… Read more >


My brain is all over the place today.  We’ve been up since 5 am and we are all sick.  Sleep has been so out of whack this week.  Example: P passed out on the floor of the toy room at 9:30 am on Tuesday while I changed V’s diaper before we set off for library.  I tried to wake him but he was out.  So he napped there on the floor of the toy room!  For 1.5 hours!  Now I really wish I’d followed through and gotten a monitor in the toy room.  He woke up… Read more >

Meatless Monday…and Saturday and Sunday

Kyle was out of town Thursday through Monday and since I wasn’t cooking for our whole family, I found it harder to meal plan.  It’s weird.  I never understood the “cooking for one” dilemma previously, but it’s definitely easier to turn to less stellar options when you are only feeding yourself.  I can’t really figure out why I think this is the case.  Maybe because it’s annoying and hard to make one serving of something?  Is it though?  What did I used to do?  Go to the WF hot bar?  Probably.  I mean I could still make… Read more >