
Ten Reviews

Here are some products I’ve tried lately. Some were bad, some were okay, some were good, and some were awesome. So I figured I’d share. I have no affiliation with any of these companies. These are simply my honest opinions. 1. I’d heard great things about this sauce (from what I understand, it’s fame grew from a farmer’s market in SD) so when I saw it in Whole Foods I thought, how cool, now it’s sold in stores!?  I should try it!  So I did. Um, holy spicy hot hot heat!  This is just way too… Read more >

My pitaya smoothie

This is not photoshopped to look this color.   DID YOU HEAR ME!?! This delicious smoothie is actually this vivid pink purple gorgeous shade of healthy.  I’d venture to go as far as to say it was even more vivid in person, too!!  Seriously. Good food is pretty.  And it’s kinda awesome that it makes you feel good for multiple reasons.  Like beyond the stellar nutrient profile that fuels me, it makes me smile and puts a spring in my step because HELLO it is bright violet yumminess in my face! Let me tell you about Pitaya Plus…. Read more >

The weekly menu

We had some good ass eats this week, if I do say so myself! I made this sumac salmon dish for my family’s cookbook club (finally getting that back up in action after some time off – mostly due to my pregnancy and postpartum slacking). I assembled and marinated it all and Kyle grilled it.  The fish was from Costco and after dividing up the remaining 3/4 that we bought, I vacuum pack sealed it and froze it.  Such a good deal.  The sumac is from a fancy shmancy spice store in LA and was a… Read more >

Powders and produce for smoothies

Since smoothies have been dominating my morning routine I have gone through a lot of different ingredients – from protein and green powders to frozen fruit and veggies. Here are my thoughts on what I’ve tried so far…maybe you will find something you are interested in trying out too? ****** Amazing Grass is one of my favorite companies and they have tons of products.  I’ve never found one I don’t like.  I prefer the chocolate amazing meal above all the others (as a main ingredient in a smoothie), but they make green superfood powders too that can… Read more >

The weekly menu

Meatless Monday for the second week in a row.  I’m gonna try to see if I can remember to keep the MM trend going.  My brain sometimes forgets what days are what, but since I’m trying to do more plant based dinners, I may as well go with the theme of alliteration. Monday was the last day of “school” for me and P.  🙁  Since we get home late(r) after school, I usually try to have it ready to go before we leave.  Make ahead recipes are invaluable when you are busy and it seems like… Read more >