
Tofu tacos

Dragons love tacos.  That’s fact, per Adam Rubin.  And P is 100% on board with it. Tacos are basically a weekly staple (at least when we are home and meal planning, which is finally returning). This week’s tacos were made with tofu because it’s something the whole family loves and I always have it on hand. Another ingredient worth noting, is the spice blend I used. I just got this in the mail from Casa de Sante, a new company that I wanted to support. They have a few spice blends (BBQ, Indian, Italian, Mexican)… Read more >

Mark it with a “g”

Lots of good things happening with my family right now – my sisters are killing it in the adult-ing category of life.  I’m just plugging away at mom stuff, but the long weekend was nice for visiting with everyone in the East Bay. P and I made a cake. It was his idea…and because he is the clever thoughtful boy that he is, he decided that we should “mark it with a ‘G’ for grandma”. It was her birthday, after all. This was his first time eating candy.  I’ve blogged about Gimbal’s before (they are allergy free… Read more >

Maui-ed 13 + 14

Last I left off I was up earlaaaay with the pequeña niña, so obviously the kiddos ate breakfast before the sun was even up. I went to the gym (small but it had a bike with bravo so naturally I was down) after feeding them and then decided it was treat time for moi! Thanks to the encouragement excessive force of my husband, I left the beach house to go and get myself a smoothie bowl from Choice Health Bar, a vegan place I’d found in my foodie vacation research. They have acai bowls, raw items galore,… Read more >

Maui-ed 11 + 12

Purely Elizabeth granola is the best store bought granola I have ever eaten.  It’s crazy good.  It’s crunchy and sweet but the nutritional stats reveal it isn’t a sugar bomb…and I never would have known it because I make my own granola.  Reason 38973 being on vacation is so special. I still amped things up with pumpkin seeds (I brought a bag from home). We did the same morning routine (why mess with perfection) of beach and pool.  Then came home for food and naps. Salad for lunch with leftover grilled fish and a home-made dressing from all… Read more >

Maui-ed 9 + 10

I’m gonna try to race through the rest of our time in Ka’anapali because it’s been, like, seven hundred months since we were there and if I don’t post something (anything!) now, I never will. The first night in our new rental place we got take out from Star Noodle.  This place was referred by everyone under the sun and it most definitely did not disappoint. We got a noodle dish (duh) and two sides.  Dish photos and deets (copied from the menu) below. Hapa Ramen – Rich Pork Broth, Roast Pork, Soft Boiled Egg, Choi Sum,… Read more >