
Strawberry chia pudding

I know strawberry season is coming to a close, but as long as Costco is carrying organic berries for cheap, I’m going to keep on buying them… This “pudding” tastes a little bit like soy yogurt but not as sweet because I’m strict when it comes to sugary things in our house.  I want the kids’ taste buds to be un-warped as long as possible.  Fruit is as sweet as it gets.  However, in order to make this taste different than pureed soybeans, you need a little maple syrup.  A little is fine. Strawberry Chia Pudding Ingredients:… Read more >

Sharing soup recipes

This is a recipe for… Roasted Butternut Squash Soup Texted to me by a friend, who got it from a friend, who got it from a cookbook, who got it from Rustic Bakery in Larkspur. Ingredients: 1 tbsp olive oil 1 large butternut squash, halved and seeded 3/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp fresh ground pepper 6 cloves garlic (I omitted) 4 thyme sprigs 3 tbsp butter (I used olive oil) 1 large yellow onion, chopped 3 shallots (I used 2 tbsp shallot infused olive oil instead) 4 cups chicken or vegetable stock 1/4 cup heavy cream… Read more >

Hosting made easy

I’m not a naturally laid back person (every family member reading right now is laughing at the obviousness of that statement) but I really try to keep my anxiety in check.  When it comes to having people over for meals – something I wish came easily to me – I definitely have to prep like crazy to make it fun for me in the moment.  Otherwise I’m just running all the disaster case scenarios through my mind, rather than enjoying company.  This may seem confusing since I’m very social and love hanging out with friends… Read more >

Restaurants and chocolate

For a while this summer Kyle and I were so great about getting babysitter to go out to dinner once a month.  Going out in Sac felt like we were finally getting back in on the food scene. Back in July we went to Grange.  It’s attached to the Citizen Hotel, which isn’t in the best part of town but seems to be in the process of gentrification Starbucksification.  Anyway, I already blogged about that meal, but we had some leftover money on a gift card so we went a few weeks later for brunch.  With the kids…. Read more >

Spiced Quickbread

SO CLICHE! I leave you for a month and come back with this basic bread recipe that is just clogging up your feed with every other pumpkin apple squash thing.  Yep.  I have nothing to say for myself.  EXCEPT.  It’s so good I had to share.  I even took photos.  And wrote the recipe down!  And the nap gods have aligned so here I am…clicking into wordpress for the sake of all things Fall. You like how I lured you in there with that flowery language but really knew you’d see the cute pic of V… Read more >