
Santa came!

CHOCOLATE FOR DAYS.  My man knows me so well. I think this is the last year we will be able to get away with working out on Christmas morning without the kids rioting their way down to open their stocking. Santa brought them each books (just like last year) which he wrapped and left just outside their room doors.  Those were enough to keep them happy while Kyle worked out, but by the time I went to exercise they were chomping at the bit.  We made them wait, but just barely… We listened to the… Read more >

New tradition

Effective immediately, we are doing brunch out on Christmas Eve as a family tradition. This year we went to Cafeteria 15L in Sac. Go big or go home, right? Kyle got some Benedict monstrosity, and I got a waffle egg sandwich (hold the cheese).  Each came with a side of hash browns which were super crispy and perfect. V got “can-cakes” (pancakes) but didn’t like them as much as the fruit.  Her kids plate came with fruit, carrots and celery, and a cookie.  A COOKIE AT 9 am!?!?  Yeah, no. I brought P his own… Read more >

Balance with broccoli

Building a kitchen for 2.5 hours on the late night, like NBD this is what we do now. SO WORTH IT. Our Christmas was awesome.  I hope everyone else has had a nice holiday season too.  2016 was weird huh.  It seems inappropriate to gloss over the fact that this year has gone…off…or something.  It’s easy to see the good when you have toddlers who are ignorant to it all; and joy and merriment is beaming from their every fiber.  I waver between wanting to just choose to see that side of the world and then the other… Read more >

Gingerbread babies

Weirdly my blog got hacked recently (by Russia!?! are they hacking everyone?) and was shut down for a bit.  I was on the phone with IT peeps from bluehost for over two hours which was not how I wanted to spend nap time.  I will be honest and say I understood <5% of the things we were discussing for said hours, but at least I am here again with HHH restored. This was an impulse baking sesh…I prepped the dough during their naps and so when they woke up it was ready to roll out,… Read more >

Giving and the ballet and haircuts

Thanksgiving weekend was packed so I’m only finally getting my pics uploaded. P had a dentist appointment to kick off the week and hooray for healthy teeth!  I got some grief from the dentist for asking a bunch of questions about the flavored toothpaste they offered (birthday cake!?!) so they agreed to just use plain old paste.  I get that they want to make the visit painless fun for kids, but he doesn’t know any better so just give him the one that doesn’t have recaldent and save me a headache dealing with a dairy reaction… Read more >