
Double celebrations

Woke up at my parents’ house on Friday and went for a run while Kyle hung with the kiddos, then we swapped and he got his workout in.  After a quick shower P and I hit the road to Fremont for his second oral immunotherapy appt.  All allergy posts are here FYI (in case you missed one and don’t know what I’m talking about with this OIT business). We left later this time but still left room for a quick run in to sbux.  In the heat of the previous day’s packing chaos, I completely forgot the… Read more >

End of the week tid bits

Sometimes I like taking photos of the mundane…to remind myself of the random moments raising these kiddos. That smoothie had a few different kinds of fruit – including a whole orange – as well as hemp seeds, almond milk, and a probiotic. Precious little girl snuggles so hard with her bunny. She doesn’t do anything half way.  Her smile is bigger than life…and her wail is equally Earth shattering. A kale salad.  Standard. This past Wednesday was the first day of farmer’s market, but it was also cloudy…and P had a tee ball game.  So I… Read more >

Nuts without cross contamination

I am in an OIT for food allergy group on facebook and it’s a really awesome helpful community.  I never would have thought to join it until another mom (doing OIT at our same clinic) added me as a member.  It has been so amazing to read everyone’s stories and hear the answers and anecdotes and advice that others have.  Plus all kinds of support! So here’s a link someone recently posted that I wish I’d known about LONG ago: of a list of companies that sell nuts that aren;r cross contaminated with other nuts or… Read more >

What We Ate

Happy mid week pop in!  It feels like it should be way later in the week than it is…and yet here we are. No greater love. This batch of crock pot steel cut oats had hemp seeds, brown sugar, and frozen blackberries. P had two bowls, but V stuck to just one serving (followed by a couple of cutie oranges). I had pulled this out of the freezer the night before, so it was ready for my face as soon as they were cleaned up and playing on their own. P had an MD appt that am,… Read more >

Warm weekend!

Saturday morning was the opening day of little league. There was a parade…with the UC Davis marching band…and all the older teams… He was in awe.  And after some speeches and the opening pitch it was bounce house time! I feel like almost every parent in Davis was there this weekend. It was totally the most fun atmosphere.  And it was only heightened by the fact that it was SO SUNNY and warm out. If nothing else, the loooong winter has made me appreciate this nice change of season (FINALLY!).  Silver lining yo. For the… Read more >