
Meatless Monday

My sister’s future mother in law made me these gluten and dairy free biscotti and they are GOOOOOOOOOOD!! First up, the kiddos breakfast. I accidentally overestimated our banana rate of consumption this past week so we had a lot of brown ones to deal with.  I froze some for smoothies and made a huuuuge batch of pancake batter with a few more…and thus made enough pancakes for the week. I froze some of the extras and saved more for the next two days. I had a few of these guys with my coffee and then it… Read more >

Sideboard and summer preview

OIT update: He is up to 1/8 cup of whole milk and the MD predicts another couple visits until maintenance!! Maintenance is 1/2 cup (taken twice a day) and is meant to provide “free eating” as determined by our personal experimentation afterwards. You aren’t supposed to eat any additional dairy (more than the two 1/2 cup doses per day) for the first month, but after that you can kinda trial and error to see what you tolerate… We haven’t tested it, but the MD also thought he’d be safe with butter by now if we wanted… Read more >

A new breakfast

Stop the presses, they aren’t eating oatmeal or pancakes! Due to a combo of laziness on my part and boredom on their part, I decided it may be time to change up the breakfast routine for them.  I’ve been alternating batches of oats and pancakes for-eh-ver and while each is different depending on what add-ins I choose, it was high time for something truly new.  These GF waffles have been in the freezer since 2015 I think.  Or at least form back when P was still allergic to wheat.  So they shared those and some eggs and… Read more >

Pool Days!

It’s been mid 90s for most of the week and it is amazing. So this is now a thing.  Apparently. I don’t even care. Any way to shower in peace without kids fighting over toys is a win. More muffin love. This time with cashew butter. No lunch pics, but it was the usual fare. Post nap play-doh fun.  How ridiculous that it’s finally hot out and we are doing the same thing we did during the rainy months of winter.  They really wanted to play with play doh though, so whatever. We had tee… Read more >


My kids are so weird. I showered while they did this in the closet. Two muffins for moi! Check out the carrot, walnut and raisins in that guy!!  YUM.  Totally one of the best breakfasts I’ve made in a while and completely different from my usual banana baked goods. I was debating between zoo and gymnastics for the morning, and opted to keep things easy for myself by staying in town and hitting up gym (since I knew I had to go to TJs for the weekly grocery haul that morning too). Luckily my friend was at open gym,… Read more >