
Cherry season!

GUYS! The cherry tree is doin’ it’s thang.  It’s amazing.  I started picking them a teeny bit early because if I don’t get them now, the birds will get them alllll. I forgot to take pics of their breakfast, but I did get a picture of mine. At the start of this year, I specifically left one of the mornings that P was in school unscheduled so V and I could have a weekly breakfast date.  We went sporadically throughout fall – usually to WF – and then I just sort of fell out of the… Read more >

One day at a time

Oh hi chocolate banana milkshake that is healthy. We had planned on going to a park this morning, but P had a reaction to his am dose so I was keeping it mellow indoors until he got through it.  A few hives this time, and a pretty brutal case of congestion and wheezing, but meds and time (and snuggles) heal all. V is less understanding, but it’s all good now.  It’s easier to talk about once it’s over, because when you’re in it, you’re just kinda waiting…and waiting…and waiting…to see how bad this is gonna get… Read more >

Kyle made my Sunday awesome

We were both SO exhausted when we woke up on Sunday, but I powered through a bike ride and then made pancakes for the babes.  I had pulled a banana bread from the freezer the night before for Kyle, so all I needed was food for moi. Luckily I had one last muffin. With sunbutter because I wanted to add something sweet. P and I went to church after breakfast (he had no issues with his am dose, hooray!) but he was kinda weird at Sunday school drop off, so he stayed in church with… Read more >

Emotional eating

Ugh.  It’s been a loooong end to the week.  Weekends are supposed to be restorative and get you refreshed for the work week ahead, but they’ve been anything but relaxing these days.  Stressful, in fact.  We are too busy and as a result I’m choosing food that’s not the best for my body and it’s making me feel blah and I don’t like it.  I could make a million excuses about it, but the reality is, they are choices I’m making, soooooo…I should stop.  But food is comforting and sometimes I just want what I want because… Read more >

Tuna Tuesday

I really like alliterations but hate thinking of post titles.  Sometimes I just want to put a date on it and call it a day.  If I was better about food photography I could just do a bunch of “what I ate” posts, but I forget to capture half the things I make so I can’t really call it that. Anyway, I’m still trying to get the kids’ palates on board with tuna, and Kyle requested nicoise salad this week so boom. It’s a pretty easy way to serve dinner…nobody ate the olives but me (V… Read more >