
Doing toddler things

More pancakes pleeeeeeease… As you wish, my bebes. And then some leftovers waffles for moi.  With cashew buttah. We played outside, I planted the basil that I’d been growing inside, they picked chard and strawberries and zucchini, and they drew a map of all the cities they knew. Until it was time for library. The weather has been nicer out (not as hot) so I didn’t think library would be as crowded.  I was wrong.  It was still a cluster. The kids have been breezing through their summer reading sheets though, so we need new… Read more >

Building up to it

Initially I was planning on starting my SIBO protocol right after the wedding ended.  But I realized I needed to get myself all set up for a successful 30 days with food prep, which I obviously didn’t get to do this weekend. So now I’m using the week to ramp up to it.  I’m going to get shopping done, plan out meals, and then next weekend I’m going to try to prep a bunch of stuff…but then I am going to wait until after the 4th of July to start. My bestie Jess is coming… Read more >

Marie’s wedding weekend

My baby sis is married!  And what a perfect, fun, amazing weekend it turned out to be!  I was pretty stressed going into it on account of the baby sitter situation…and the other normal stuff that accompanies a wedding. But things went about as smooth as you could hope. Truth be told, Valley girl did NOT like having a baby sitter. AT. ALL. and so that was hard, but it’s over and I’m just glad for that. Started Thursday like the rest of the week…with breakfast and play time outside until it got too hot…. Read more >

Hot Hot Heat

We are melting over here in Davis.  For real.  It’s crazy hot and I’m so lucky I have so many friends with pools. Since it reaches 90 degrees by 8 am, the best option for outside time is first thing in the morning.  We don’t have much shade in our yard, but at least the house offers a little before the sun gets all the way up.  Lately we have been eating breakfast al fresco to maximize outside time. It was actually P’s idea.  I was making a summer bucket list and asked him what… Read more >

Father’s Day weekend

Waffle action! I made two batters the night before, unsure which would turn out (if any) because I was making them grain free and sugar free.  I’m easing myself into a more strict fodmaps free SIBO type of diet.  I won’t start officially until after my sister’s wedding but I have all the supplements already so I’m just getting my mental and emotional state in the game.  I’m actually SUPER excited about it, even though I’ve heard it sucks.  Kyle’s very supportive though and is willing to do whatever to help me help my gut…. Read more >