
July 4th

I never got around to sharing pics from my favorite weekend ever.  4th of July in Davis is quite possibly the best holiday ever.  This little town does it so so right. By sheer luck (right place right time) we ended up grand marshaling the parade! Can you even believe it!  We rode on this vintage fire truck at the head of the kids parade that ended at Central Park.  But let me back up to the days leading up… We actually quit swim lessons and suddenly he’s learned to kick to propel himself!  Spending… Read more >

Day 5: things are happening

I started the day with a run and decaf, but it took me a while to get hungry. I had banola and 1/2 this cashew milk from urban remedy for breakfast.  The mylk wasn’t sweet at all, so that was a bittersweet surprise.  I was hoping the lucuma would make it a little more special than just straight up nut milk, but I don’t know that I’d buy it again for the $$$$. I was much better about taking my pills on an empty stomach today and waited over two hours before taking them.  And… Read more >

Day 4: pills pills pills

Well, I took my pills before bed last night and that turned out to be a bad call because they felt all lodged in my esophagus and I couldn’t lie down for a while, so I just sat in bed playing on my phone hoping the feeling would go away.  It never really did before I went to bed, and I woke up a few times throughout the night (which I never do) so who knows what that was about, but it wasn’t a restful sleep, for sure.  Note to self: remember pills today. Look… Read more >

Day 3: zucchini love and a new mayo

I made this coconut flour zucchini bread last week but used liquid stevia with coconut milk instead of maple syrup. 1/2 cup maple syrup is a lot of liquid which 1 tsp or so of stevia doesn’t come close to, so I just added plain unsweetened coconut milk until I reached the right volume.  I was hesitant to make too many changes with the recipe but I am curious about decreasing the eggs in some of these paleo-esque recipes and using chia or flax seeds for at least some portion of the eggs.  I’ll let you… Read more >

Milk OIT graduation

I AM SUCH A PROUD MAMA! After several months of weekly visits to the Columbia Asthma and Allergy Clinic in Fremont, my son is a graduate of the milk OIT protocol!  He will now drink 1/2 cup (120 ml – equivalent to 4 g of protein) of whole milk twice a day for the rest of his life as a part of maintenance. After a month, we are allowed to experiment with different kinds and amounts of dairy, with the thinking being that in another few months he will achieve “free eating”, thereby tolerating any… Read more >