
Day 11: a lot of full

Look at where I am after breakfasting on this a mere two days. It’s sooooo yummy.  I plan on making another loaf as soon as this is done, but of course I didn’t write down the recipe so I’m not too sure if I can replicate it just right.  I’ll definitely try. Cashew buttah for always. This lunch was so good I went and made another slice for myself after this was gone, even though I was nearing full.  As a result I was pretty much stuffed for the rest of the day.  Smoked salmon… Read more >

Day 10: feeling good & eating good

I couldn’t stop eating this.  I basically plowed through 1/3 of it with cashew butter. I was starving though! Kyle and I went on a family run to the tennis courts to play before it got to be 104 degrees…so by the time we were home and showered I was ready to eat the entire pan.  Hence the major damage I did to it. I spent most of the morning in the kitchen doing prep.  After I took my first round of pills I felt some cramping and sure enough, an hour or so later… Read more >

Day 9: up and downs

Here’s that beautiful baked dish that I made the night before.  I was literally throwing things into a mixing bowl while I was coming up with a concept of what I was going to make. I had about a cup of shredded zucchini left and a very brown banana, which is why I needed to do something. Add in coconut oil, eggs, almond flour, stevia, salt and baking soda and you have a lovely little casserole bake. Clumpy almond milk in my coffee…booo. Mega cashew butter.  Yayyyy! Like, MEGA cashew butter. I smeared it everywhere… Read more >

Day 8: the blahs

I am really bored with this diet.  Bored and annoyed.  It seems to require so much (too much) prep to eat anything and since I’m a person who likes to eat what I crave in that moment, it’s hard to plan ahead. For breakfast I had cashew bread with coconut manna.  Not because I wanted it, but because I couldn’t think of anything else to prepare quickly that sounded good. At least this time I had the patience to wait for my breakfast to toast (rather than eat the first slice plain while making the… Read more >

Day 6 and Day 7: Dessert and treat ideas

I always want chocolate, but it’s probably (definitely) not the best for me. Gahhhh…I fell prey to my sweet tooth last night though and while I could rattle off a half dozen excuses, I’m just going to own it and focus on a more productive activity. Brainstorming other options to turn to: frozen grapes (love them, but always forget about them) Danielle Walker’s real deal chocolate chip cookies (I’ve made them with stevia instead of the honey/palm sugar with success) 21 Day Sugar Detox moo-less chocolate mousse (like avocado cacao pudding) kombucha Soooo, half of… Read more >