
Peanut OIT starts

Wellllll well well.  Day one is officially behind us.  And I will admit I had a bunch of anxiety leading up to this day.  Obviously since we completed dairy I trust the process, but having been hospitalized for peanut ingestion before, it was a major mental hurdle for me to do this voluntarily!  We are lucky to have a huge support system, including my family, and friends, and facebook group…all cheering us on and lifting me up through this.  And now we have done it!  We have begun! We had a normal start to the… Read more >

Day 22: finishing things off

The last of the zucchini bake is no more.  RIP you beautiful breakfast you. Same lunch as the day before because IT WAS PERFECT.  I’m now out of urban remedy veggie crackers though.  So sad. I also finished the lox, so add that to the list of things I must get again asap.  My omegas much be sky high right now because of all the salmon I’ve been inhaling. This dinner was another creation inspired by my desire to not go shopping and just use what we had in the house.  I have officially exhausted… Read more >

Day 21: plugging along

As you can see I did considerable damage to this guy the first day…and that trend continued to day two of eating it.  I’m actually not too bothered by eating 1/3 of a baked loaf as a portion because it’s not very tall so it’s maybe not as much as it seems.  Any excuse for more cashew butter surface area is !!!! by me. I am starting a baking/cooking to-do list for this weekend so I can prep a bunch of stuff to make the next (and final?) week of this program as easy breezy… Read more >

Day 20: habit breaking

I know “they” say it takes 21 days to break a habit but here I am on day 20 and I can honestly say my 8 pm dessert tooth is in check at the moment.  I no longer “need” it the way I used to.  Nice side benefit to this whole fix-my-gut protocol, I suppose.  Hopefully my gut is actually being healed though, because that would be exponentially more exciting.  In any event, I will hopefully continue to maintain a healthy relationship with chocolate following this 30 day diet. I baked this on the late night… Read more >

Day 19: staying full

My body seems to have reset in more ways than my gut lining (if, in fact, my gut lining is reseting). I feel full more quickly and it seemingly lasts forever. I’m not sure if I like it.  I don’t like eating when I’m not hungry, so I am constantly waiting for my stomach to want food again, especially at dinner time, and often find myself eating even though I’m not totally there yet because everyone else is ready to eat. After a weekend off, I was happy to return to my decaf home-made coconut… Read more >