
Pancake belly

I stuffed myself with pancakes and butter. They don’t look like much but boy did they stick to my ribs. Or maybe it was the insane amount of butter I added.  Beverly made them with Namaste’s GF mix. You can’t tell but there are blueberries in them 🙂 which you WOULD know by looking at Valley girl’s mouth. I went back for more after this.  That’s the thing that I love about black(er) pancakes.  They are like a sponge for butter so you keep adding more and more and more…and then they get all squishy and… Read more >

We out

It’s been a couple of days and she is making huge strides, but still not able to walk.  She is thrilled about her now abundant outfit choices though, that’s for sure.  And shoes! On Wednesday I had half of this (it’s quite sweet) before stroller strides. And then this afterwards, in the 30 minute window I had before music class with V. Beta Boom is my favorite green juice.  It has enough sweet stuff (carrot, orange) to neutralize the intensity of the greens, but doesn’t taste as sweet as the apple ones or as “green”… Read more >


I have been riding a high ever since Tuesday afternoon.  The first few hours after her cast removal were actually kinda a bummer because she was in a ton of pain and couldn’t move her leg at all and didn’t want me or anyone to touch it and was crying on and off at the idea of movement.  So that was sad.  And despite me coaching her through the whole experience, it was still pretty traumatic getting the thing removed in the first place.  But hour by hour she got better and better and by… Read more >

Sunday and Monday Reflections

I had a big dessert face on both Saturday and Sunday nights, so I have to get my sweet tooth back in check. Chances I manage that with Kyle being out of town the start of this week?  Slim to I’m GOING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.  Grit over chocolate. Look what I picked from the tomato plant! Finally.  It’s grown to be the hugest monster of all time and yet, yields not very many tomatoes considering how ginormous it is.  No joke, I cannot believe how big this thing is.  P just chucked seeds into… Read more >

Up, down and around Nor Cal

First off, this salad was awesome. I added avocado like I always do, but it didn’t even need it. Seriously, the dressing was spicy in the perfect lip tingling way without being too too much.  It was for sure hot though. Yummmm… Definitely recommend for anyone who lives near Nugget. Now let’s talk about OIT. I made this insanely large smoothie before we left the house that morning.  It had kale, frozen berries, banana, and TONS of sun butter.  At least 1/4 cup but maybe closer to 1/2 cup.  I was super hungry because P… Read more >