
Chips and cookies

Ok I am really realllllly considering the instant pot now.  The newest model sounds amazing!  Maybe for Christmas this year?  Or maybe I’ll hold out until an amazon sale comes around – like on prime day or whatever. Raise your hand if you have one and then tell me how frequently you use it. And then tell me if it has replaced another thing you used to use, like the slow cooker, rice cooker, or yogurt maker.  Ok, basically just sell me on it?  Blah, no don’t.  I need to be strong. But you can cook meat… Read more >

Empty Cannery

My day started with this cuteness. I really can’t handle these pigtails. I played around with these adorable blurry beings until breakfast because I decided to ride my bike to drop P off at school as a workout.  Freed up my morning for extra books and snuggles.  All good choices. Pancakes and blueberries for breakfast – their favorite. I had a mini cup of coffee and prepped dinner.  Crock pot for the win. Yesterday at Costco I saw “pork sirloin tip roast” for a really good deal.  I’d never heard of this cut of meat,… Read more >

Sick and settled

Monday morning was long.  Flying with a child with allergies is always stressful, even though we are sailing through OIT. Since we had to leave before the sun was up to get to the airport, I had to figure out a way to give P breakfast and his dose while on the plane.  And bringing milk through security isn’t exactly a breeze.  Long story short, he had a minor reaction on the plane – likely due to not eating enough for breakfast beforehand but who really knows – so Kyle and I were on high… Read more >

Cousin time

I went on a leisurely run this morning and the weather was perrrrrfect. It is 100% Fall in Idaho.  I have been listening to two new podcasts “Throwing Shade” and “Homophilia” which are similar in that they very casually discuss LGBT issues and current events with as sarcastic and comedic tone as possible.  I like it. Plus there’s only so much NPR politics I can listen to without pulling all my hairs out. Anyway, I digress.  Afterwards, I made myself a three egg scramble in coconut oil and mashed up half an avocado on the… Read more >

Seeing Star

Eating like kings and queens in Star.  Beverly would never let us starve.  I don’t think I’ve known hunger since we walked through the front door.  Not complaining!  You can roll me back to the plane. We all woke up around the same time (West Coast time) and Kyle and I traded off watching the kids to go on runs.  They hardly needed us though with all the “new” toys!  I broke the fast with an Udi’s GF blueberry muffin and a slab of Earth Balance, scrambled eggs, applegate bacon and a frothy almond milk… Read more >