
Living like it’s winter

Now that I’ve had Nourish bread I can’t go back to regular bread!! This time I topped it with almond butter.  I felt full after, but not weighed down or roll-me-to-the-couch-I’m-stuffed.  I was feeling pretty lazy though, truth be told, which I attribute to the grey skies.  Even though I went on a bike ride that morning, I was still lacking motivation to leave the house for church.  I don’t think I could ever live outside of CA again. You can’t tell how much squash is in here from the photo, but it is a… Read more >

The perks of Friday traffic

Another Friday in Fremont getting this guy through desensitization treatment.  The doses are getting pretty high now (more than a peanut’s worth!) so we decreased the number of updoses this appointment (3 instead of 4). I’m so proud of him.  And I’m pretty sure the staff thinks he’s the greatest too.  🙂 Since we were done an hour sooner than usual, I decided to get on the freeway asap and try to avoid the traffic.  The drive back home gets more congested by the second; and for every minute past noon that we wait is… Read more >

Walnuts in my taco bowl

I’m posting Saturday’s dinner before I recap Friday because I need to get the word out about this raw taco “meat” I made. It is so crazy delicious it is almost unbelievable that it’s made with walnuts. I’ve been craving veggies and meat-less meals lately and figured it may be a good idea to keep things nice and wholesome leading up to the big feast on Thursday. I’ve never made walnut “meat” before, but I’ve seen plenty of recipes floating around the interwebs.  I also have this Raw Food book that is my go-to for… Read more >

TGI Thursday

Nugget got a delivery from Sugar Plum so I got another loaf of Nourish bread!  This bread is vegan heaven. It’s just soooo good and so nutrient dense. I had a couple of slices with cashew butter. And then we were off to school. Stomping and splashing in puddles the whole way… Except that she fell shortly after this and landed IN A PUDDLE and then was heartbroken about being super wet and dirty and not getting to wear her skirt.  She got over it once she remembered we were making apple pie. She shocked me… Read more >


I fear my sweet tooth slash sugar addiction is making a return. Exhibit A: the dessert I had last night that wasn’t enough…so I went back for MORE.  WTF. I’m not interested in going back to that, so I’m going to preemptively make some changes.  I’m going to think about what I want to do and get back to you guys.  The seasonal treats are fun and all, but lately I don’t even feel good after eating so much sugar on the late night. I barely crave it and then (even AS I’M EATING IT)… Read more >