
A one pot meal for Monday

This Monday I had MOPS and brought banana bread for my mama friends. I made a bunch of loaves so the kiddos had some for breakfast.  They gave it the thumbs up. I had some of my own bread and nibbles of other stuff as well as heaps of coffee as we chatted the morning away.  It was a rocky start because V cried a lot when I dropped her off.  I stayed with her for a while and tried to get her comfortable but each time I’d start to talk her through my departure,… Read more >

Santa and his elves

I was so excited for our Saturday morning of nothingness.  Kyle took the kids to farmer’s market and I had a slow morning to myself before doing a bunch of housework and cooking prep. After the kids were down I made lunch. But I accidentally made it way too huge. This is a theme lately.  I don’t know what’s up with my appetite but I am finding I keep stuffing myself at lunch time, and yet, I’m having the same amount of food (more or less) that I usually do.  Why is it all of… Read more >

Winter concert

Well that looks about right. I wasn’t on the computer this weekend but then finally got around to uploading pics from my good camera and as it turns out, I had 600+ photos from as far back as…well… These little nuggets!  I take photos of the kids in the same chair on the date of their birthday each month (and I take them with my nice Canon).  So clicking through was like watching fast forward on them growing up – plus some key milestones like Halloween, Christmas, and Easter thrown in for good measure.  Total… Read more >

Nut drama

Somehow I forgot to post about Tuesday.  And by “somehow” I mean, Kyle was out of town and I was just trying to stay afloat.  The advent season is all consuming, you know?  Every day I’m trying to figure out which events are happening and when and what presents I bought for who and what baked goods I’m supposed to bring where and when is this party and that party and that’s just the half of it.  It’s so fun, but leaves me feeling a bit frazzled.  I want to do the best to make… Read more >

Wednesday and Thursday happenings

I’m having one of those days where all the little things that usually wouldn’t be annoying are adding up and driving me crazy.  My fuse is too short and my patience is shot and I’m having to practice every technique imaginable to not blow up at my kids for things they share only 50% of the blame.  And now I’m here at the computer because typing it all out is a therapy of sorts.  Also, Kyle’s out of town* so I have nothing else to do at night. *He’s back now and no more major… Read more >