
Emptying the fridge

I took very few food photos this week and a million other pics, but I decided to pop in to wrap up the week really quickly before our Christmas vacation starts. I brought home some leftovers from my parents’ house on Sunday, but didn’t feel like round two of the same exact meal that night, so instead we had a bunch of other leftovers that were already in the fridge. This chicken and orzo dish. This curry (on it’s fourth meal!) with turkey. And now a quick OIT update. We are A MERE THREE APPOINTMENTS… Read more >

Under a week

It’s just six days away from Christmas but we already celebrated (!) so now I feel like anything else is just bonus time. First of all, we had a real life actual Christmas miracle in that both kids slept in!!!  Here’s how I know my Valley girl is sick: she snuggles.  After three wake ups in the middle of the night, I finally brought her into the bed with me and Kyle at 5.  Normally this is a pointless action and nobody gets any more sleep, but for once she sucked her thumb and fell back asleep… Read more >

Christmas prep and giveaway

I spent most of Friday in Fremont with my little buddy. Although there’s a little bit of stress leading up to these appointments, I look forward to them too because I get to spend 5+ hours with just Mr. P.  There are plenty of distractions – vital signs, nurse checks, and updoses of course – but it’s nice to hang with him. I stopped at Starbucks on our way out of town and brought this bar for breakfast. Share Bar is right!  More like “steal from your mom bar”. This was so good.  It’s divided… Read more >

Scooting along

I should just take a photo when I have something that’s NOT nourish bread and nut butter for breakfast. P wanted me to ride my bike to school to drop them off the day before, but I had planned to go to stroller strides so we did a rain check until this morning.  I wasn’t really excited about it, but it wasn’t as cold as I thought it would be and in the end, I’m glad he inspired me to get on my bike.  Cycling is a hard sell in December, but with the right… Read more >


Story time after stroller strides. Followed by a gobble delivery! And all I have to show for food is this bag of Siete tortilla chips. Tuesday afternoons are back to back gymnastics so I packed snacks for them to eat while the opposite one was in class. Apple and pear slices on the bottom, cucumber slices in the middle, and carrots on top.  I usually give them baby carrots, but opted for the shredded pieces instead because they take longer for them to eat, which is important when I’m trying to occupy them for long… Read more >