
There’s bean juice in the cake

I spent Sunday morning with my mini man at church (in an attempt to give me and P some special bonding time). I have no idea what I ate for breakfast because I have no photo of it…maybe leftovers from the day before? Or more granola? This kale had so many bugs in it!  Organic definitely has it’s downfalls. I had sautéed those Brussels in olive oil as part of my weekly prep a while back and needed to use them up soon, so I added them to some of the kale massaged in vinaigrette… Read more >

While the kids are away…

I was going to take a photo of my beautiful soy decaf cafe au lait at Crepeville, but the background was a bit more entertaining… SUCH A SILLY THING! Kyle’s parents were here and treated us to breakfast out.  I got the kids a plate of scrambled eggs and a bagel to share.  Plus a side of bacon and fruit plate.  I’ll let you guess who each of the sides were mainly for… They recently discovered bagels so they are definitely a treat.  The fruit plates at Crepeville are SO GENEROUS.  In spite of that, there… Read more >

All the meals

This week has been granola week. I’m a clusters girl, so I picked out all the big chunks, but had to fight the kids for the rest.  They polished it off by Thursday and requested more asap, but I don’t think I’ll get a chance to make another batch until Sunday.  It’s REALLY a good recipe, guys.  Like an oatmeal raisin cookie in granola form.  Mmmmm. In any event, I ended up eating this Sun & Soil granola over the rest of the week because the kids claimed the home made stuff.  Santa put it… Read more >

Bouncing into five

I wasn’t very on top of it with my food photography on Monday… These are actually the only pics I have of my food until dinner.  Oops!  I have 400 of my kids on bounce houses, though. My birthday boy had the day off school.  He shares a birthday with Lincoln, although the 12th isn’t the President’s Holiday that everyone else gets off.  I’m not sure why his school gets back to back Mondays off, but either way, we had planned to go to Kids Gone Wild in Vacaville.  I’d never been but many of… Read more >

Set for a short week

I made these cinnamon banana swirl muffins on Thursday and they are almost gone! Kyle has been having them for breakfasts, and the kids have been having them for afternoon snacks.  I froze 6 of them, but since the rest are gone, I think I’ll pull them out for Kyle’s work breakfasts this week.  I’m always happy when low sugar things are a hit.  Mega cinnamon flavor on top of suuuuuper ripe bananas always helps decrease the amount of sweetener needed.  And since I was about to roast chickpeas, I used the aquafaba for the… Read more >