
Making things work

Since there was no school for P on Thursday (parent teacher conferences instead) I took the opportunity to make pancakes.  Cinnamon-y swirls!  I try to line up the days I make a big batch of pancake with days that we have extra time in the morning – be it later kiddo activities or no early morning workout for me (stroller strides instead).  I made this batch especially big because I needed breakfast for Kyle to feed the kids on Saturday because I was leaving the fam behind and going skiing.  I’ll get to that eventually,… Read more >

In search of breakfast ideas

I’m sorry if the gobble link wasn’t working…gobble sent me a code to give you guys instead, so have at it with 50DPARTNER Moving on… Mondays amiright? My photos just uploaded all out of order, so now I have to sort out what day was what.  I told you my memory was crap lately, didn’t I? I had a MOPS meeting so I ate the zucchini banana bread I shared in my last post for breakfast.  THREE slices of it to be exact, because I was hunnnngry by the time we ate. The good news was… Read more >

Dinner party, zumba, hide and seek

I miss the weekend.  It wasn’t anything special, but it was still nice family time. As soon as the days are behind me I completely blank on what we did!  My memory is pathetic. Per the photos, I had two muffins made from extra Against All Grain “blender bread”.  I pulled them from the freezer that morning and thawed them quickly in the microwave before adding heaps of almond butter to the mix. I polished off the jar.  Who needs a muffin when you have a spoon? Vegan Winter salad por supuesto. With this month’s… Read more >

First bottle

First things first, I have a gobble code for you guys if you use gobble.  I got an email about $50 off and was so bummed it was for me to share and not use myself, but oh well.  Lucky you guys… If you DON’T use gobble, you can sign up here and get a free dinner kit with my referral code.  Pretty sure they deliver all over the country now.  If you’ve never tried a meal delivery service, it’s kinda cool.  We use it every once in a while…whenever I feel uninspired and need… Read more >

Half the week

I had breakfast with my mama friends at our Monday (MOPS) meeting, so no photos of that, but it wasn’t that memorable.  It’s a rotating potluck and sometimes the DF/GF options are nonexistent.  Normally I don’t mind but this week they ran out of coffee which is a BIG BIG problem in a room full of preschool moms.  So anyway… I was super excited for lunch! I swapped in smoked salmon (which was what I was really craving) for the protein and fat that I’d normally get from the candied walnuts.  Plus I knew dinner… Read more >