
C is for (peanut butter) cookie

Kid breakfast on the left, mom breakfast on the right. Another winner from Sugar Plum Bakery (via Temple coffee roasters).  This was the walnut zucchini (also vegan and GF) and just as good as the pumpkin pecan. The kids’ breakfast was a tapioca “pudding” which was met with mixed reviews.  I’ve made them tapioca pudding before and they were meh on it then, but it’s been a while and I thought I’d retry it.  This time P liked it and V didn’t.  50% is failing but I’m ok with that because it’s still progress!  I… Read more >

Helping hands

In my ongoing effort to clean out the freezer and not forget about things buried in the depths of tupperware, I pulled some banola out for breakfast. Hooray!  Food that is yummy that I didn’t have to prepare.  I don’t know why I am so apathetic about breakfast lately.  Truth be told, I’m not sure how freezer friendly it was, but I didn’t really care.  My coffee was sweet so I was okay with a more naturally/nutty tasting granola. After dropping P off at school we went to the store. Even though we were JUST at… Read more >

Sunny Sunday

Yay!  A breakfast I didn’t have to think about! I started Sunday off with this lovely vegan, gluten free pumpkin pecan muffin from Temple (made by Sugar Plum). It was the perfect size and the texture was light and fluffy but hearty (for a gluten free baked good).  I would definitely get it again.  And it’s inspired me to get baking! Lunch was a quickie salad because I had things to do (kale massaged with the rest of this dressing, avocado, carrots, and salty almonds). I spent way too much of the gorgeous day inside… Read more >

Sugar Bowl

Weeeee! A day of skiing with my sister and not a care in the world (meaning I didn’t have to think about my kids for a solid six hour stretch of the day). First off, I love skiing.  Kyle finds this odd considering I having an intense hatred for cold weather and being freezing.  But if you dress appropriately, that is a non issue.  Second, I love hanging out with my sister (and her husband).  She skis the same way I ski and that makes it extra fun. I got new gear this winter and… Read more >

Temple for Friday

Sorry I am so behind with these posts.  The weekend was so packed I never had a chance to catch up, so I’ve been doing that now at the expense of uploading photos and blogging.  Soooooo now onto Friday (of last week)…I was STILL really struggling for breakfast ideas. I bought two of these on a whim (they were on sale) at WF on my trip there a weekish ago.  I love kite hill and am a big fan of almost all their products. Check out the protein stats!  For a non dairy yogurt that’s… Read more >