I survived! This past weekend was my first string of shifts back at the hospital after two weeks on my death bed. I’m still on antibiotics and my ear and head are still congested (and requiring their own med cocktail), but my cough is loose and minimal and I can breath, stand upright and walk. I’m like a human again! Hooray. Still no exercise though. Which meant Kyle ran the Hollywood Half by himself. Since I was at work, Ethel and her sister took over official cheerleading duties. How cute is their poster?!? So… Read more >
April 10, 2012
crock-pot, oatmeal, quinoa, spinach salad, tofu, vegan stuffingwork meals
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I feel like I could be one of the luckiest people ever because my husband craves (as in, actually requests without arm twisting) big salads and tofu dishes for dinner. Seriously. I’m either the world’s best cook (nope, that’s not it) or I won the lottery in finding my soul mate (sounds more likely). Naturally I oblige 100% of the time (I approach his veggie cravings like a rare bird watcher, not wanting to scare them off by making any noise or ruffling any feathers). So even if I’m in a comfort food kind of… Read more >
April 5, 2012
asian tofu, tahini, tofurecipe
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How about one photo for each meal? Crock-pot spiced brown rice with almond butter. In an effort to bring some variety to my oat routine (the horror!!) I made brown rice this week. The crock-pot is just as easy because I leave it to cook on low overnight and wake up to warm whole grain perfection. Kale salad with seitan. No explanation necessary. These two foods will never cease to amaze me. The Cookie Department Great Full (vegan) cookie. You would never ever know this cookie has sweet potatoes in it. It was soooo good. … Read more >
March 13, 2012
almonds, asian tofu, kale, nutbutter, seitan, tofu, vegan cookies
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I meant to share this recipe last week. Better late than never! Butternut Squash Bowl Ingredients: butternut squash (as many as you want to make bowls) quinoa carrots BBQ tofu (recipe here) avocado Directions: Chop neck off squash so only the bowl portion remains. Remove seeds and bake. Make BBQ tofu. Make quinoa. [I used my rice cooker] Grate carrots. Scoop avocado into a bowl. Then add another for good measure. Combine quinoa, tofu, and carrots, with the avo and mash everything together. Then add to already baked squash. Obviously the squash is… Read more >
March 11, 2012
avocado, bbq tofu, butternut squash, quinoa, tofurecipe
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That last post had some pretty scenery from the weekend, but not a lot of eats. Here’s a recap of last weekend at home, in food format. To start the road trip off on the right foot, I got a big kale, spinach, beet, carrot, and ginger juice. Pink pee is especially fun when you’ve been holding your bladder for 4 hours. We stopped twice on the drive home and arrived in L-town just in time for dinner. I had a pumpkin Bolani and salad. The next morning we slept in, which meant coffee and… Read more >
March 1, 2012
avocado, big salad, eggs, kale, Kombucha, oatmeal, plant cafe organic, quinoa, thai food, tofu
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