I have a little pink notebook with a list of recipes I want to make. These scones were a recent addition. It’s silly considering how many online bookmarks and starred recipes I have on the comp, but when it comes right down to it, I’m a pen and paper person. I love food magazines and cookbooks more than I like the internet. Boom. Deal with that. Most of the recipes are from smitten kitchen and 101 cookbooks – I think Deb and Heidi are awesome. So yeah, Deb’s jalapeno cheddar scones had me all… Read more >
September 12, 2013
bbq, tempehrecipe
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Parties all around this weekend! And lots of driving to get to them all! This was the only thing I took a picture of on Thursday. Clearly it was the highlight of my eating day (the highlight in the non-food realm was Peyton Manning scoring a million points for my fantasy team). Dove dark chocolate is crazy good. My mom gave us two bars as a part of a wedding anniversary present and I had been saving them…for what I don’t know. I wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I did though. … Read more >
September 10, 2013
avocado, big salad, chocolate, clif bar, dave's killer bread, eggs, fish, mexican food, peanut butter, potatoes, salmon, seitan, tempeh, udi'srestaurant review
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I realize this post is hardly timely. We didn’t get back from the city until Monday evening and then I worked two nights in a row though…sooo…what can you do? Truthfully, my weekend recaps are my own selfish way of documenting our memories forever and ever. If others enjoy them, great! So let’s back track to Saturday. I was recovering from a few night shifts so we kept the day mellow. I ate at odd times and didn’t get close to capturing everything I ate on film. Did you know sleep deprivation can make… Read more >
August 23, 2013
avocado, big salad, eggs, fish, goat cheese, kale, mariposa, nutbutter, nutmilk, plant cafe organic, potatoes, salmon, squash, sunbutter, tempeh, vegan cake, vegan cookies, veggie burger
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Don’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “good”. That’s one of my favorite phrases. We could all do well to remember it, which is why I’m posting it here. I get questions and comments all the time about foods that I show on the blog or use in recipes that are/are not FODMAPs friendly. I’m not perfect. I try to eat a low FODMAPs diet most of the time and I do pretty well with it, but I definitely eat things that I know are FODMAPs. Sometimes they are things I know I hardly react… Read more >
August 17, 2013
beans, clif bar, eggs, peanut butter, pretzels, tempeh, the essential baking co, udi's
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Kids, I think it’s safe to say I have turned into a (vegan) bacon-aholic. First there was coconut bacon. Then I did the tempeh thing. And now I’m on to eggplant. If I haven’t convinced you to invest in liquid smoke yet, what the what are you waiting for? [As much as I hate ending the sentence in a preposition, it doesn’t have the same punch when written grammatically correct. Cool?] The tempeh was so good I made a double batch within the week. Kyle still hasn’t tasted it. I’m a pig. <— bacon pun… Read more >
August 16, 2013
Daiya, eggplant, eggs, tempehrecipe
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