All work
And no play makes Elise a repetitive eater. Rather than subject you all to the same exact meal (times twenty), I’ll show my hippie bowl once and move on to my work food. Quinoa, carrots, spinach, seitan, avocado, nutritional yeast, Bragg’s aminos. After a few bad days, where I was carelessly eating wheat and agave (FODMAPs no-no) like it was going out of style, I knew I needed to get my GI tract back on track. Feeling bloated (and a bunch of other less-internet friendly terms) is the worst. So! I did what I know… Read more >
May 18, 2012 avocado, big salad, larabar, nutmilk, nuts, oatmeal, pancakes, quinoa, raw, seitan, spinach salad, sunflower, tempeh, vegan cake Read more >