
All work

And no play makes Elise a repetitive eater. Rather than subject you all to the same exact meal (times twenty), I’ll show my hippie bowl once and move on to my work food. Quinoa, carrots, spinach, seitan, avocado, nutritional yeast, Bragg’s aminos. After a few bad days, where I was carelessly eating wheat and agave (FODMAPs no-no) like it was going out of style, I knew I needed to get my GI tract back on track. Feeling bloated (and a bunch of other less-internet friendly terms) is the worst. So! I did what I know… Read more >

DC: Cafe Green

Last morning in DC started with the usual waffle run. Then we said goodbye to Kyle’s dad and headed to the National Geogrpahic museum. Kyle and I are total Nat Geo nerds, and when I found out they had a special Titanic exhibit I was dead set on seeing it. They had a ton of stuff from the movie set, lots of footage of interviews from the divers who first found the wreckage, and a video recreation of the ship going down. I never knew James Cameron was a deep sea explorer.  Not only has… Read more >

Four ingredients

If you like Italian food (particularly lasagna) and you’re looking for a shortcut.  This is it. Vegan and gluten free deliciousness is minutes away.  [Ok, that’s a slight exaggeration, there’s definitely 30 minutes of oven time to factor in] What you need: marinara sauce vegan cream cheese (I used Follow Your Heart brand) rice paper (Asian markets will have them for half the cost of conventional grocers) tempeh (I used LightLife flax) What you do: Layer.  For the rice paper, hold it under running water for a few seconds so it starts to soften.  Once… Read more >

Tempeh, corn & rice

Tempeh is…hearty, nutty, and packs your meal with oomph. And it’s ridiculously simple to sub in your regular recipes in place of meat. Like instead of ground beef in tacos.  Or Bolognese in lasagna.  Or chicken in a wrap.  Or tuna in a sandwich.  Or meat in a stew.  You get the idea…it’s a very versatile food.    Belly warming.  Heart healthy.  It’s tempeh time! Tempeh, corn & rice [vegan, gluten free] Ingredients: 1 block tempeh (I used LightLife) 3/4 cup corn 1/2 tsp dried cilantro 1/2 tsp paprika 1/2 tsp cumin 1/2 tsp onion… Read more >

Chef Tanya’s nachos

  Way too much food for four people.    For no reason, a group of us went to Native Foods for dinner the other night. I’ve been to the Palm Springs, Costa Mesa, and Westwood locations, but not the Culver City one. I forced myself to try something new, which was hard since I love the scorpion burger and kale macro bowl a lot.   Kyle and I ordered the Nuevo Native Nachos to split…which was a blessing and a curse.   O.M.F.G.HIJKLMNOP… Fantastic.  If you go to Native Foods, I command you to order… Read more >