
A case of silken tofu

A reader recently discovered she wasn’t able to tolerate tofu…after ordering a case of Mori-Nu silken lite firm tofu.  So she sent them to me!!!  Thanks again Emily 🙂   They arrived slightly crushed, but I immediately got to work on cooking with them.   I had already planned on making a lasagna that day, but I’d only ever made the tofu “ricotta” with extra firm (non-silken) tofu before.  I figured I may as well give it a try with the silken kind. I used my same hummus/tofu recipe for the “ricotta”: 3 containers of… Read more >

Iced tea & grazing

As you can see, I like my iced tea reallly almond milky. How I make it is recipe-free, but I brew pitchers of tea at a time (no sweetener) using 4 tea bags for my 2 liter pitcher.  I add boiling water to it, let it steep for a while then put it in the fridge to cool (but continue to steep) overnight.  In the morning I remove the teabags. Then, each day I pour some over 3-4 ice cubes, and then add maple syrup and unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Sometimes I can get the… Read more >

Catching up on last weekend

After a week of saving money on home-cooked meals a la plan, I opted to splurge for the weekend.  Lazy me.    I was working though, so it was my treat.  I snacked on chex and chocolate crunchfuls.  The crunchfuls are made with pea protein.  I got them in a sample pack a long time ago.  I reviewed the plain ones here.  The chocolate ones are better but still have a definite pea flavor going on.  I could get used to it (and didn’t really mind it that much), but if you’re looking for a… Read more >

Tempeh Stew

  It rained here in Los Angeles last week (and effed up my tomato plant, but I don’t want to talk about that right now – so mad!!), so I do have an excuse to make stew in July.    I know I said last week’s meals were all planned out, but this stew was actually an unplanned meal.  I was going to make chili in the crock pot, but after making the other meals (breakfast quiches, Caprese Caesar pasta salad, etc.) I noticed I had leftover veggies and stuff that I could easily make… Read more >

Things from my childhood

  I made a comment last week to Kyle about how the 4th of July and watermelon always make me think of Pollyanna.  He didn’t really respond and then a few minutes later mentioned he didn’t know who or what I was talking about.  When I said it was a movie, he claimed he’d never seen it.  [What!?!?] Growing up, Pollyanna was pretty high in the rotation at our household.  Along with The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, The Music Man, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, The King and I, and Fiddler on the Roof. So now… Read more >