
Tea time

If you know me, you know I love tea.  It’s one of the only redeeming parts about cold weather.  I crave the feeling of a steamy mug in my hands, and the aroma of tea wafting through the apartment.  There is truly nothing better.  Well, aside from coffee that is.  😉 Peek-a-boo (And this is just half of my tea stash) That said, I’m pretty picky when it comes to my teas.  Some of my favorite brands are Yogi and Tazo, but thanks to OpenSky, I discovered a newbie that has been rocking my world. … Read more >

My Salsa

To the few people who understand my weird (read: abnormal) humor, this title is for you.  For the rest of you, I’m sorry.  Hopefully this isn’t your first red flag that I’m not exactly “normal,” but if it is…well, there you have it.  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  I had a weird dinner tonight.  “My salsa makes all the pretty girls dance…” Yeah, Eminem knows ‘wassup. So before you close this page in disgust, allow me to explain.  ‘Cado + salsa + large-and-in-charge amounts of roasted red pepper hummus = Spreadable brilliance.  So why limit… Read more >

Crack is wack!

Is it really March already?  I’m so glad that NuNaturals’ vanilla stevia is back in my life.  Coffee is definitely my drug of choice, but this stuff is incredibly addicting.  It’s like super-crack.  Nothing like adding crack to another stimulant.  So, I was seriously buzzzzzzed as I headed to the gym.  Yes, oddly enough, I went to the gym today, and in the AM no less!  I haven’t been feeling the gym much lately, but I was really pumped today and decided to get in some cardio while the iron was hot. How cool are… Read more >

Peace out February, you won’t be missed

Thanks for all the positive feedback on my OpenSky shop!  I have a ton more in the works, so I’ll keep you guys in the know.    I had an accident with my froth this morning.  Disregard the mess, it tasted awesome. Bride mag + apple = bridapple.  Sounds like a horse food.  Ah well.  Lunch was a toasty sando with roasted red pepper hummus and greek yogurt-i-fied tofu “turkey” spread. I think I added too much greek yogurt 😕 because the “turkey” spread was a little overly oozy.  I don’t think this sammie was… Read more >

Adrenaline rush 30,000 feet in the air

Before I even GET to my Olympics recap, I have to describe to you the craziest flight I have ever been on.  EVER.  You see, there’s a reason I don’t have many food pictures from my 5 hour flight, and it has to do with this simple phrase: “Is there anyone on the plane in the medical field?” [Insert profanity here]  The good news (for them)?  I was on board.  The bad news (for me)?  I was on board.  At first, when I heard the flight attendants call for help, I got a rush of… Read more >