spinach salad

Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!!  Did everyone do something nice and green today?  I contacted my hospital’s big-wigs to beg ask about an initiative promoting biking to work (and requesting to get a small protected room to store the staff hippies’ bikes).  C’mon Beth Israel, get green!!  This is something I have been trying to get going for a while, so now that the weather is getting nice, and in honor of Earth Day, I figured an extra push may be well received.  We’ll see… You know how I rocked it out this morning…with a cuppa joe… Read more >

back on the bike

Ok.  I have been slacking FAR too much in the work out department.  I have a freakin’ half marathon in a week!  What am I doing to myself?  I should be training, not watching the View working and pretending that’s a good enough reason to skip the gym. I woke up to sun, FINALLY.  Made some java.  Frothed some leche. Voila! Prepare to see an endless supply of bridal mags in the background of all my pics now…my future mother-in-law got me a year’s subscription 🙂 I was researching wedding locations all morning, and totally… Read more >

Un-lucky Irish

Happy St. Patty’s Day! I don’t have any morning pics because my computer crashed AGAIN, so now it’s in the hands of the geek squad…more on that later though. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much. I had the usual coffee and a piece of toast with Earth Balance (approx. a mountain of it). I felt a little guilty chugging coffee knowing I was heading to the dentist’s office in an hour, but I got over it pretty quick (once I realized exactly how scary the zombie-like alternative was). I’m proud to report my dentist’s appt… Read more >

back into the (vegan) swing of things…

I slept in like a mo-fo today.  Guess the day full of flying and the changes in time zones, etc. caught up to me, and I just needed to get in the zzzzz’s. I started the day like I always do..coffee and silk…while I opened my accumulated mail. Coupons, coupons, and and more coupons (and another wedding invitation). Then I got crackin’ on breakfast. I went old school with my oats.  Straight up.  Nothin’ fancy.  Sometimes I just crave the simple things in life. That held me over pretty well, but I may have had… Read more >

i’ve got the golden ticket

This post will be quick and to the point because I am SO tired. Big coffee + blueberry bran VitaTop muffin. These are good, but not too filling. They’d probably be better as snacks because there is certainly not enough caloric oomph to get the day started. So I had a cereal mess (a la Andrea)…I think I will eat all cereal out of this bowl forever-more. It’s so fun! Apple. (I know, it’s a good thing I put a title for the pic, as you may not have been able to figure out what… Read more >