soy yogurt

rolls in my tummy

Woohoo…I finally made my own sushi! It’s been on my 2009 to-do list, and we all know how much i LOVE checking things off lists 🙂 But that’s dinner, and I’m type A, so let’s get back to the beginning, already!Coffee (duh).Note: snow on the window (still) Brekkie wrap: soy bacon, “eggs” and avo in a flax wrap-upJealous? You should be, it was My coconut date rolls look like a reverse AT&T ad (or whatever company it is that does the “more bars in more places” ad) – that’s what she said! For lunch… Read more >

i’ve got the golden ticket

This post will be quick and to the point because I am SO tired. Big coffee + blueberry bran VitaTop muffin. These are good, but not too filling. They’d probably be better as snacks because there is certainly not enough caloric oomph to get the day started. So I had a cereal mess (a la Andrea)…I think I will eat all cereal out of this bowl forever-more. It’s so fun! Apple. (I know, it’s a good thing I put a title for the pic, as you may not have been able to figure out what… Read more >

Jai Ho (Aaja Aaja Jind Shamiyane)

After dancing spastically bopping around the apartment (all evening), singing my own made-up lyrics to the slumdog millionaire song, Kyle insisted I was being retarded and there was NO way they were screaming “die ho.”  As usual, he was right…I did some googling, and that’s how the title of the post came about.  At least now he has nothing one fewer complaint with my energetic insanely obnoxious performance. Anyways…focus Elise…oh that’s right, food! In today’s coffee I frothed my soymilk with some sf vanilla syrup…I’m turning into a little barista! PB puffins :)   I heated… Read more >


The aroma just opening this bag was intoxicating (I lurrrrve the smell of fresh coffee grounds)…I mixed it with half regular coffee from the bucks, so the choc/rasp flavor was super subtle and quite nice.  To be honest, I couldn’t really taste the raspberry much at all.  Either way, it has caffeine, so mission accomplished. I started the day with a ridiculously heaping bowl of PB puffins.  Kids, this box isn’t gonna last much longer – these babies are TOO good for words. I figured I’d get the show on the road with the bag… Read more >


I woke up to another day of ick weather.  It’s so hard to get excited for the day when you know it’s going to be spent mostly indoors.  But then I found a surprise PACKAGE at the door!!!  What could it be…?? The wonderful people over at I.M. Healthy sent me my FAVE soynut butter, both creamy AND chocolate flavors!  I LOVE this stuff!!  Since you all have been asking about soynut butter, now you can see this amazing product, and go out and get it, to try it first hand.  It’s the perfect combination… Read more >