root veggies

One of these days

…I’ll be at a NYE party that is klassy and doesn’t involve plastic red cups. …this will be enough EtOH for a group of 20. (this was only 1/3 of the actual drank) …”dinner” will not mean chips, salsa, pretz, and chocolate… …or B- and fruit. …five sips of champagne won’t give me the drunkface “glow.”   …sledding with my sisters will not involve my dad’s overall ski-outfit from the 70’s. …we will get an accurate head count before piling into a car with one too few seats (there are a couple of people not… Read more >

Ode to the in-laws

It’s no wonder people are scared of their significant other’s parents; with movies like Meet the Parents, in-laws get a pretty bad rap.  Fortunately for me, this stereotype couldn’t be further from the truth.  I just got back from a weekend+ getaway with Kyle’s family and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be joining his family than if they were the sole heirs to the Whole Foods chain.  Not only are they amazingly accepting of my vegan lifestyle, but they go above and beyond to accommodate it, to the point of straight up spoiling me!… Read more >

Thanksgiving prep: vegan cornbread

I’m not sure if cornbread is a traditional Thanksgiving dish per se…but you always see lots of corn in those cornucopia things, so the pilgrims must have had access to fresh cornmeal, right?  Sure, we’ll go with it…(plus, lately, I’ve been craving cornbread like whoa).  To be honest, I do get cravings for non-vegan items every once in a while, and since they are usually fairly random, I’m forced to either (a) get over it, or (b) figure out how to make it vegan myself.  In honor of my Thanksgiving alone, I decided it was… Read more >

Time check

Let’s see if I can piece my Saturday together… 2:30  Wake up check clock, go back to sleep 3:00  Wake up, check clock, go back to sleep 4:00  Wake up, check clock, go back to sleep 4:35  Wake up, check clock, go back to sleep 5:13  Alarm goes off…finally this wake up call is for real 5:14  Brush teeth and brush hair slick the afro back into a ponytail 5:20  Get dressed (my scrubs, undies, tank, socks and shoes are always neatly laid out on the chair in the living room so I don’t wake… Read more >

How was your night?

Mine was fabulous.  Kyle may or may not kill me for posting that picture.  But it’s worth it.  I had to show you all how adorbz my beau is! Getting serenaded while eating an apple/cinnamon dessert on the late night – is there a better way to spend your Friday night?  I think not. But back to the AM. Breakfast of champions indeed.  I really tested my stomach’s expansion ability with this one.  First of all that coffee mug was the size of my head (and I had 2 of ‘em filled to the brim),… Read more >