Swoon. We spent too much time at Lamps Plus last Sunday buying a chandelier for…drumroll…our new house!!! I am still in shock. More on that later. In the two hours it took to find a suitable chandelier and matching chain, P managed to pee through an outfit and get super hungry. Like a total rookie mom, I was prepared for neither. We left at 11:30 thinking it would be a 30 minute trip, tops. But we were way wrong. Needless to say I made it work. I changed him in the car and cleaned… Read more >
March 2, 2014
chickpeas, eggs, kale, oatmeal, root veggies, yogurtbaby
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I spent last weekend at my parents’ house because Kyle is out of town and I figured it would be more fun to have company while watching the 49ers game (sad outcome). Think he likes the pets?? If his first word isn’t ball, it will probably be dog. It’s hard to say which he’s more obsessed with. This is the only meal I photographed over the weekend. I could eat roasted vegetables for every meal always. P doesn’t like Brussels sprouts, but I’m not too bummed because it means more for me. He… Read more >
January 24, 2014
avocado, big salad, coconut, eggs, potatoes, pumpkin, root veggies, zucchinibaby
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I did a pretty good job of meal planning that last week of the year. First we finished off all the holiday leftovers we brought back from my parents’ house, including stuffing, roasted veggies, mashed potatoes, and lima bean casserole. One day, I jazzed it up and made a cheesy “gravy” sauce with nooch and water. And another day, I paired it with a salmon burger for some protein. Kyle took care of the rest of it. There was also extra shrimp and veggies from my parents’ holiday party so I pulled… Read more >
January 4, 2014
big salad, cornmeal, curry, goat cheese, kale, kefir, mexican food, nooch, potatoes, quinoa, root veggies, salmon, shrimp, tempeh, thai food, thai tofu, tofu
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Round 2! Actually, if you count the Thanksmas we had in Tahoe earlier in December with Kyle’s family, this is really our third Christmas. No such thing as too much celebrating, right?! Especially when it’s baby’s first Christmas. We got to my parents’ house just in time for a few cookies. Which provided the perfect fuel for the Niners’ game. My little cheerleader fell asleep on my shoulder during the game so I wasn’t much help in preparing dinner. After we put him down we had a mini facetime sesh with my sis… Read more >
December 28, 2013
apples, avocado, chocolate, dessert, eggs, fish, hummus, king arthur flour, nuts, potatoes, pumpkin, quinoa, root veggies, salmon, vegan cookiesrecipe
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From Davis, it’s not too long of a car ride to Lake Tahoe! And since we left straight from swim lessons (again!), we had a sleepy babe for 80% of the ride. Once we got to the cabin, it was time to relax.
Ok, first unpack, then relax. Food much? You’d think we were packing to feed an army for a month. But it was really just Thursday through Sunday (celebrating an early Christmas with Kyle’s side of the family). Guess what’s in those plastic boxes!?! SIX (!!) different kinds of… Read more >
December 18, 2013
avocado, banana, chocolate, dessert, eggs, goat cheese, mexican food, nuts, pasta, pesto, potatoes, pumpkin, root veggies, squash
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