
A rainy day with Jillian Michaels

Guess who’s turning 21 today!?!?!  My baby sister, Marie!!!  Somehow I am the shortest in my fam, even though I’m the oldest.  Boo. I can’t believe she’s turning 21.  She’ll always be 12 in my eyes.  I can’t wait for her to visit NYC in August – we are going to celebrate in a MAYJ way! In case you were wondering (since I was just wishing happy birthday for my , yes, my sissie-poo and my popsicle do have back to back birthdays.  Now, onto the food. Liquid AM.  Slosh slosh.  I used the above… Read more >

[Insert witty title here]

Yeah, creative juices are dried up for tonight.  It’s been a long day, so I’m not even going to bother.  You don’t care about the title anyways, right? Why does it seem like I’m 12 feet tall while taking this bird’s eye shot of my lunch?  Look at all the glorious food: Berries GoMega odwalla bar, Cashew Cookie Larabar, hummus, salad of raw-ness, dried papayas & mangoes, home made raw trail mix (carob chips, almonds, cashews, and raisins), and don’t forget the apple! The stars the the show weren’t too shy for a close up…. Read more >

Work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep

I had work the past two days, so this may get a bit repetitive…packed lunches as always.    Dried fruit, Larabar, Clif bar, dried fruit & nuts (?), hummus, raw salad, apple.  Read on for the deets. Lately I’ve been trying to branch out and dabble in the raw/food combining world, and I have to say, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how positive the results have been.  Even though I have proclaimed myself anti-nuts in the past and vehemently refused to budge on the issue, for some reason I have been on a nut kick lately. … Read more >

New things

Even with a huge cup of frothy coffee, the morning still sucked.  After reading that Sarah decided it was time to bow out of the food blog world (darn creepers stalking her lovin family) I knew I needed something more substantial than my normal cup of joe!  So I dried my tears and busted out the blender. This Amazing Grass smoothie contained half a plain greek yogurt (Chobani of course), half a frozen banana, almond milk, and a chocolate-y packet of lawn shavings.   I stirred melon and dried cranberries into the rest of the… Read more >

Welcome back, or something like that…

You guys are so sweet for sending me happy-sleepy-time thoughts…I wish I could say it worked :(  After my seriously deficient shut-eye on Monday night, I was SO optimistic about getting to sleep extra early…I was all tucked in by 10 pm, ready to snooze the night away.  With my alarm set for 5 am, I thought 7 hours would be decent enough to get me through my first day back at work.  Talk about wishful thinking!! I fell right asleep, only to wake up at 11:00 confused as all hell.  Only an HOUR passed!?!  Grrrr… … Read more >