
One year old.

Wow.  Time flies when you’re having fun blogging about it.  It feels like just yesterday I stumbled across this amazing community of foodies and decided to begin a blog about my adventures in the vegan kitchen.  Who would have known the decision to write (almost daily) about my food/exercise/etc would have impacted my life the way it has?  I certainly did not. And yet, here I am, a YEAR later, with a ton of new friends, having tried food I hardly would have known existed a year ago!  Thank you to everyone who has ever… Read more >

I’d rather be in Boston

I wouldn’t even know where to begin.  It was such a stressful (work filled) weekend, I’m just glad it’s over and I made it through.  I am far too exhausted to type, so I won’t be sharing the latest ICU happs.  Instead, I’ll stick to the food. Saturday’s pre-packed snacks/lunch included some oldies (pistachio, almond, goji, dried cranz mix), TJ’s “Go Rah” Trek Mix bar, dried fruit, yadda yadda – and some newbies.  I have seen these MoJo bars throughout the blog world before, but thought they were some urban legend.  Turns out, they are… Read more >

Cancelled plans, One Lucky Duck

Were you all on the edge of your seat over today’s lunch surprise?  :)  Probably NOT since it’s no secret I’ve been after these elusive PB&J Larabars forever!  These were NOTHING short of perfection.  I have no clue how they do it, but these bars truly do taste just like peanut butter and jelly sammiches.  Even the smell when I unwrapped it took me back to my school lunches from back in the day.  I’m in love.  Good thing I bought a few…these babies were harder to track down than Bin Laden (but much more… Read more >

All I want is peace(food)

I worked both days this weekend.  So on Saturday, while everyone else was frolicking in the sun, I was dealing with my patient who decided she was through with the hospital, and removed her own chest tube.  Don’t worry, she’s fine (physically at least…psych-wise I’m still on the fence). Anyways.  Yummy pre-packed food includes: raisin/almond/cashew/carob chip mix, dried mango/papaya, Tribe hummus mini-tub, apple, raw salad, and some bars. Odwalla Superfood (I heart every green millimeter of this flavor) and a Cashew Cookie Larabar (also a favorite). The rest of the day flew by uneventfully (just… Read more >

Wacked out day

Today was more bizarre than George Whipple’s eyebrows. It started off normal – java with foam, you know… Then I had an apple.  Still fairly normal, right? Well, suddenly I felt beyond sick.  Like, go to the bathroom and wait for the puke to come.  Wha?!  I felt okay-ish if I remained supine (that’s lying flat for you non-medical peeps), but every time I tried to sit up, I felt like I was gonna heave-ho.  No bueno.  I’ve never felt so bizarre…like head-achy, dizzy, with some weakness, too.  Even though I’m a nurse, I really… Read more >