
Quinoa shrimp fiesta bowl

Is it weird seeing seafood on HHH?  It’s weird to me. But for some reason it’s not weird eating it.  Probably because I’ve been dipping my toes back into the world of fish for a while now. This dish was fan-damn-tastic.  I’m tooting my own horn (even if it was Sandra Lee-esque in preparation).  I don’t have time.  You don’t have time.  None of us have any time.  This is as close to home cooking as it gets when you have a 3 month old. Let’s just jump right into the recipe. Quinoa Shrimp Fiesta… Read more >

Moving weekend

I’ll make this brief since this is what I’m up against…   Hippie tip #1: Buy and sell (or give away) used moving boxes on craigslist before and after you move.  Earth friendly and cheap.   Here we are in our (old) backyard with a passed out babe and movers schlepping patio furniture.  P was clearly not stressed out by the packing process.  On the contrary, he slept probably 30 of the 36 hours that we were transitioning from one home to the next.  He just looooves being held, and since we had no furniture… Read more >

Our last week in LA

Highlights only.  I could never recap an entire week! Footed PJs are the cutest thing ever. Saturday morning we had an open house.  Rather than subject P to a million people germing up the joint, I took him for a walk.  We went to the Farmer’s Market to re-stock on spinach (this habit requires a constant influx of greens). After everyone left I came home and got ready for a BBQ with friends.  We picked up some apps on the walk over (oh how I will miss these easy walks to friends houses in Santa… Read more >

No Gratitude

Before I get to this…   I have to show you what I threw together the pervious day. People always love the quickie meal ideas I give more than the elaborate recipes (okay, I never have elaborate per se, but more involved).  So here’s another one that is highly adaptable and took under 5 minutes.   Thai sweet potato rice casserole with black beans.  Sounds like it took a lot of effort, when really, it was all thanks to a box, a can, and an appliance.    Pacific’s thai sweet potato soup may have been… Read more >

Los Angeles Bucket List

Now that I’ve shared the big news, I can start talking about all the last minute things we’ve been up to as our LA residency comes to a close.   On our drive back down to So Cal, Kyle and I created an LA bucket list.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to hit up all the restaurants we wanted to.  There’s too much food in our fridge/freezer (slash we need to save $$$) to justify going out to eat the way that we both want to.  Which would have to be every night for… Read more >