
Good news/Bad news

Well, the first piece of BAD news is that my computer is done-zo. Dead. No more. Wahhhh…(I got it in 9/2007!) I was on the phone today with the geek squad for way too long. Without getting into too much detail, my options are (a) pay $$$$ with no guarantees or (b) kiss the mo-fo goodbye. I am so not tech savvy enough to deal with this. So it’s on hold while Kyle’s in China. Which brings me to the second piece of good/bad news…my better half is in China šŸ™ While Kyle is taking… Read more >

just chillin

I woke up at 7 am and then went back to sleep…next thing I know it’s nearly noon! Eek. I don’t know why I should feel guilty, but I do. No matter – today is my last day of chillin’ before returning to work tomorrow.So here’s the first morning coffee…sitting on the window ledge while I blog and watch t.v. And then below (after I woke up a little bit more) is my whole AM spread. Self, Shape, and Vegetarian Times magazines with a steamy mug full of caffeine love. Nothing better!Gym time. Elliptical for… Read more >