Well, it’s safe to say my feelings about New York haven’t changed much. Humidity is not my friend. Aretha Franklin? Nope, that fro is ALL mine. God bless the inventor of the flat iron. Our red-eye flight was as delightful as you’d expect any red-eye flight to be. Luckily the only thing on the agenda for the day was a bridal shower for Jess. In other words, I was in store for a day’s worth of boozing…which hardly helped the delirium that I was battling after 3 hours of interrupted shut eye. We couldn’t check… Read more >
June 29, 2010
chickpeas, quinoa, soy milk
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Does Trader Joe’s cater? No, but they may as well have, since our dinner party was dominated by their products. Last week I got together with a group of friends to make dinner and celebrate our So Cal relocation – it was so fun, I sense the birth of a new tradition (Gilmore Girls Fri Night dinners anyone?). On the menu: Hummus apps Quinoa salad Spinach salad Fresh bread Fun Kyle got to chopping, while the girls got to eating chatting. My friend’s kitchen is about as opposite from our NY kitchen as they come… Read more >
June 19, 2010
beans, hummus, quinoa, spinach salad
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Last weekend, my Aunt, cousins, and G-ma threw me a wedding shower. Sisters & cousins. Me & G-ma. Mom & Aunt. It was at my G-ma’s in Newport Beach and was definitely a hippie affair. Exhibit A: My sis gave me an HHH engraved cutting board Exhibit B: My cousin prepared a vegan cake Yep, that delicious looking thing was VEGAN. But I’m getting ahead of myself starting with dessert. Let me back up to the rest of the day’s menu… Appetizers Veggies, pita wedges, pita chips, and many flavors of hummus. Lunch spread Catering… Read more >
June 3, 2010
chickpeas, hummus, quinoa, vegan cake
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After saying goodbye to this: And saying hello to this: I LOVE YOU CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about feeling like I returned home. Everything feels right in the world now. Seriously. There is no other way to describe it. I just feel like – at long last – I’m back to the city where I am meant to be. Kyle and I have been running all around So Cal, seeing friends, organizing our lives, buying a car, frequenting the WF hot bar, frequenting Starbucks, and y’know, just vegging out. Oh, did I mention the WF hot bar?… Read more >
May 18, 2010
bbq tofu, beans, edamame, falafel, hummus, Kombucha, lentils, pitas, quinoa, WF tofu
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Where did we last leave off? Ah yes, strolling the High Line. I had two raw blondie macaroons from O.L.D. while we wandered over the city, and then we decided the time had come to brave the masses. Times Square or bust? (Personally I’d rather bust, but that feels awful to say after the Saturday night incident). I really avoid midtown, especially on the weekends, but when friends are visiting from out of town, ya gotta embrace your inner tourist…and that includes the hideously crowded 42nd street area. I swear, all the lights and crowds… Read more >
May 4, 2010
avocado, Blossom restaurant, Candle Cafe, hummus, Kombucha, lentils, quinoa, seitan, veggie burger
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