
Quinoa granola

So.  Effing.  Tasty. This was so much more simple than I thought it would be. I’m never buying granola again (yeah right), but still…I know what I like in my cereal so why wouldn’t I make it to my exact specifications?  Right? My favorite things: 1. Clusters – textural variety is the most important part of cereal, oats, granola…shoot any food! 2. Crunch – none of this raw muesli bullsh!t, I want toasty! 3. Dried fruit and nuts – not one or the other, both. 4. Ratios – I like it when there are even… Read more >


Just wanted to let you know what is coming your way… Any guesses? I haven’t forgotten about my alphebruary challenge…I’m just behind in recipe sharing.  This “q” treat, however, is VERY worth the wait.  I know everyone was wondering how those weird letters were going to be – particularly q, w, x, and z.  But shockingly, these haven’t even been my biggest obstacles.  There are some surprisingly letters (i, o, u – for instance) with minimal food options.  Damn vowels aside, I knew from day one of this month’s adventure that my q dish was… Read more >

Working through the funk

Work on Thursday left me mentally drained.  I could hardly muster the energy to share the lentil loaf recipe (but it’s effing amazing so I found a way). Sigh.  I’m still in a funk but I’ll spare you all and simply show off my packed food. When pears are on their last legs, I get worried that transport will be the kiss of death, and so instead of risking mush upon arrival, I go a different (safer) route. Chopping it up and adding it on top of oatmeal seems to be the best option. The… Read more >

Hearts and kisses (& a giveaway winner)

And all that mushy LOVE stuff. Right?  🙂 Truth be told, I’m pretty neutral on the whole Valentine’s thing…love it, hate it, love to hate it, whatever!  I think it’s cliché either way you look at it.  Side note: I used to think Valentine’s was so lame, so for the first two years that Kyle and I were dating I wouldn’t go out with him on the 14th because I just felt so hypocritical changing my tune once I had a BF.  This year, I consciously requested the day off of work, but I still… Read more >

A “soul sistas” Superbowl

A little background:  Kyle’s parents are fabulously open-minded when it comes to food.  My veganism has never been an obstacle when dining with them, and has in fact been embraced with open arms.  It’s always a blast eating with them.  Whether we are feasting out or cooking in, they go above and beyond to make sure there are delicious vegan options available at all times.  Much to my delight, they kicked off 2011 with the Daniel Fast, a plant-based eating plan (combined with the spiritual component of prayer).  After 21 days, the results from this… Read more >