
It’s true what they say

“Home is where the heart is” Yup.  It’s true.  Lucky for me, I consider both the Bay Area AND Santa Monica “home.”  So even though it was a total joy to spend the weekend with my parents and sister, I’m glad to be back with Kyle.  Win win.  Eventually I will recap the wedding in more detail (so fun!), but for now, I’m trying to get organized for work tomorrow (reality check…wah wah). I had leftovers from Patxi’s for Saturday brunch.  I had baby carrots a la mode because I enjoy fiber.   Even day… Read more >

By the Bay

As I mentioned, I’m in Nor Cal for the weekend.  Wedding season never ends when you’re in your late 20’s.  I spent most of Friday in the car (that I-5 is brutal).  But eventually I made it home safe and sound!  Not to self: buy an audiobook for the drive back to LA (recommendations welcome!).  Pre-departure I had a fruity, yogurt, quinoa breakfast bowl.     For those who find soy yogurt a little “off” tasting, try the berry versions…they aren’t as soy-flavored (or however you’d describe that weird after-taste).  It’s mostly just with vanilla or… Read more >

What the wheat

If you’re wondering why there have been more giveaway posts and Spain recaps than daily eats lately, it’s because I’ve been doing the fructans challenge phase.  And I’m not thrilled with it.  At first I was nervous about reintroducing fructans, then I was excited, then I went overboard… I actually started last week, but had such horrible symptoms, I went back to the elimination diet for two days in between, just to allow my body to rest and re-set. I’ll share my reactions and symptoms in more detail at the end (ie once I’ve sorted… Read more >

Camera purge

If there were any title more appropriate, I’d go with it, but this is really just a bunch of pics that have accumulated…and if they help give you ideas on healthy FODMAPS options, great.  If not, sorry for this post’s random nature.   Two recent recipes inspired this meal: Jenna’s veggie fried rice and Evan’s fried quinoa.  I make quinoa in bulk at the beginning of every week.  Without fail.  Some weeks I make two batches because I go through it so quickly.  I use my rice cooker, so it’s a completely mindless activity…as second… Read more >


I have been completely lagging in showing off my work eats.  Packing up my food for the hospital is an art form, but it’s one I’ve perfected.  Blogging about them, however, takes more time and I’m always exhausted when I get home from 12+ hours on my feet.  And of course, there was the unexpected drive down to Newport Beach this weekend…so I’m definitely behind.  Not to throw excuses at you, I’m just saying, I have weeks of hospital food stored up.  How excited are you!?  Ha! Here what’s to follow: on-the-go meals that are… Read more >