I was working. And eating. Here’s three shifts-worth of food. Tuesday night: spinach, carrots, quinoa and eggs (topped in Bragg’s and nooch) baby carrots tamari roasted almonds Udi’s bread with Artisana cashew-tahini butter Kettle Pop organic kettle corn Not much to say here. It tasted like kettle corn. Duh. Wednesday night: brown rice, spinach, and Sunshine veggie burger (original) baby carrots Inka Chips sweet plantain chips So good! Even though the whole bag is considered 3 servings (which I obviously ignored and treated as a single serving), the nutritional info is still not bad…. Read more >
March 18, 2012
chocolate, eggs, granola, nuts, quinoawork meals
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I meant to share this recipe last week. Better late than never! Butternut Squash Bowl Ingredients: butternut squash (as many as you want to make bowls) quinoa carrots BBQ tofu (recipe here) avocado Directions: Chop neck off squash so only the bowl portion remains. Remove seeds and bake. Make BBQ tofu. Make quinoa. [I used my rice cooker] Grate carrots. Scoop avocado into a bowl. Then add another for good measure. Combine quinoa, tofu, and carrots, with the avo and mash everything together. Then add to already baked squash. Obviously the squash is… Read more >
March 11, 2012
avocado, bbq tofu, butternut squash, quinoa, tofurecipe
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Ordinarily I don’t mind floating, but today I was SO not in the mood for it. Fish out of water x 12 hours…blah. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it’s nice to spend a day with a different patient population – like sampling yogurt, you get a small taste without having to commit. But I also love routine (who doesn’t?) and after working yesterday, I was looking forward to having the familiarity that comes with a second shift in a row. Even when patients are busy I’m still able to get a sense of rhythm by… Read more >
March 8, 2012
coconut, oatmeal, quinoa, tofu saladwork meals
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You must be sick of non-food (aka house progress) posts by now, huh? Ok, how about my work food for a change of pace (slash return to the real reason I blog). Breakfast… Oats, puffed millet, white chia seeds and sunflower seed butter on top. You want me to back up with that? 1 cup whole rolled oats + 1 1/2 cups boiling water + 1/4 cup puffed millet + 1 tbsp chia seeds Once I let them sit a bit, the water got soaked up and the chia seeds gelled, so… Read more >
March 8, 2012
avocado, chia seeds, chocolate, eggs, kale, millet, nooch, nutmilk, nuts, oatmeal, quinoa, seaweed, sunflowerwork meals
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Hey look! An office! Now my crap is actually semi-organized. Kyle was getting really tired of seeing FODMAPs research articles and GI studies piled up all over our old apartment, so he gifted me some file cabinets in the “office” of our new place. Such a romantic, that one. As you can see, the casa is coming along quite nicely. Our extra bedroom is big enough to double as an office and workout room. And guest bedroom, of course. While unpacking we found a box of electronics that would make Steve Jobs roll over in… Read more >
March 6, 2012
avocado, kale, nooch, quinoa, teriyake tofu
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