
A big day

Kyle’s on his way home!  Weee!  After an eternity on my own, I’m re-he-he-heeeeally looking forward to his return. [edited to add: the van broke down and he’s stuck in Albuquerque sorting out the game plan to fix it, so who knows what this means for his return home] Let me just photo bomb you with some recent meals… Carrots, green grapes, Mary’s Gone crackers, Redwood Hill Farm smoked cheddar goat cheese, hard boiled eggs, local smoked almonds (from the Co-op). Very smoke-y, very yummy.  Ditto goes for the almonds. Carrots, Mary’s Gone crackers, candied walnuts,… Read more >

Checklist fun

Who doesn’t love a nice organized to-do list? This past week was a little different because Kyle was out of town a few nights working.  But he came home to sleep a little bit in between (night shifts).  And he wanted me to pack all his food so he wouldn’t eat crap on the road.  Hence the need for a very mapped out menu.  I can’t stay organized without it all written out nowadays.  My head is too full of other crap (like the tune to head shoulders knees and toes…make it go away!). Breakfast… Read more >

Eggs as the feature

The last few posts have had more elaborate (for me) meals, so I figured I’d throw a few of my stand by quickies your way.  I don’t usually take photos of the boring repetitive meals because they’re not that exciting.  But I don’t cook fun things all the time and it’s only fair to show my lame side (lest you think I’m super homemaker hippie).  Eggs.  The cheap protein that can be the star of any meal in a minute.  Basic Veggie Egg Fried Rice [vegetarian, gluten free, FODMAPs friendly] Ingredients: 2 tbsp garlic infused… Read more >

Contains sole

I have been making legit dinners lately.  It’s good to be back in the kitchen – planning weekly menus and grocery shopping.  Much more wallet friendly too. Oddly enough, I now despise going to the grocery store.  Which is SO weird because it used to be one of my favorite things ever.  I used to love browsing the aisles.  I took my time and relished in the fun of perusing products.  Now I’m all about efficiency, get in, get out.  And even then, it’s after a few days of creating food out of thin air… Read more >

Passport weekend

This is gonna be a long one, but I like recapping our little family weekends, so this is selfishly for my own (online?) memory. Friday morning I had my usual breakfast, toast with an egg.  Only I added something special, that I’ll review more thoroughly later on.   Hint: it’s the peanut butter.  After eating I spent the morning prepping for an interview.  I have mixed feelings about my timeline for going back to work and it’s a complicated issue that I’m not going to discuss on the blog.  Once I know what the plan… Read more >