I’m not sure what all the hype is about…I mean at least our country’s leaders understand how important and significant their work is. By no means is this blog a political one, but I just think that after pushing and pushing and pushing for this bill, it’s somewhat of a relief to see Biden drop an F-bomb over something so major for our nation. I mean, what seems more genuine, sign on the dotted line with a poker face or bleep your way to the podium (I’m liking the second option, but I’m also a… Read more >
March 26, 2010
almonds, dates, dried mixed fruit, hummus, oatmeal, potatoes, quinoa, smoothie, tea, veggie "cheese"
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It’s no secret, I love trips home. West Coast sunshine, family and friends…can’t get enough! This trip was jam packed, due to Kyle’s birthday celebration and an insane amount of wedding planning. Since I have photos up the hoo-ha, I’ll try to avoid the mundane (read: heaps of Stacy’s pita chips and hummus), such as this: And show you only the highlights, like this: Brewskies and cake. Now that’s a trip home! As I mentioned before, Friday was Kyle’s birthday, so we celebrated all day long. The key to having a fabulous birthday is having… Read more >
March 22, 2010
beans, big salad, chik'n strips, chocolate, chocolate cake, dried mixed fruit, edamame, fish, hummus, mexican food, pitas, potatoes, soup, soy noodles, spinach salad, tofu
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Oh happy day! I love St. Patrick’s Day for several reasons: The start of March Madness Kyle’s birthday Green themed everything Boozing (to the nth degree) Random phrases like “sonny” and “me lucky charms” Of course I am one of those people who takes the green theme above and beyond…so prepare yourself for what’s to come. Green monster, complete with spinach, kale, frozen strawberries, mango, and Vita Coco. Natural sunlight. Natural sugar. Non-green joy. After breakfast, I headed out for a run. I made a quick loop in Central Park, came home and showered as… Read more >
March 18, 2010
curry, dates, potatoes, PranaBar, pretzels, quinoa, smoothie
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I won’t burst into Annie’s theme song, but it’s definitely a relief to see the sun again. Caffeine + froth = a hop in my step Oddly enough, I started feeling iffy again half way through this HUGE mug, so I curbed the coffee and set my sights on the next meal. I guess meal isn’t the right word, but apples need no justification. Blogging and random dilly-dallying (cooking, emailing, erranding, etc.) around the apartment took up the majority of my morning, and pretty soon noon rolled around and I needed sustenance. I added the… Read more >
March 17, 2010
almonds, carob chips, dried mixed fruit, hummus, kale, nutbutter, nuts, potatoes, pretzels, smoothie, squash, Starbucks, tea
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Top of the morning! I finally woke up today feeling like my normal self. Stomach woes be gone. Thanks for all your well-wishes throughout my sick days week. Even though I woke up at 8, I decided to go back to bed because extra zzzzz’s are invaluable when I’m in recovery mode. Plus, the apartment was cold, our internet connection was down, and the warm down comforter was calling my name. Excuses, excuses. Needless to say, I was ready to get my brunch on when I finally did get up. Enter Justin’s maple almond butter. … Read more >
March 16, 2010
Amy's, carob covered raisins, dried mixed fruit, hummus, lentil soup, nutbutter, nuts, potatoes, soup, tea
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