
In the still of the night

I leave for work and it’s pitch black outside…12 hours later I leave the hospital and it’s again darkness.  I can’t really complain since I spent Friday on the beach with Kyle (summer sun in October, what whaaaat).  But I worked this weekend and tried to take a photo out the kitchen window before I left…just to show the lack of light.    Didn’t really work.  :(  It’s so dark out, all you can see is my reflection.  My breakfast is far more photogenic.  Quinoa on quinoa?  Why not! I added Sweet Almond & Quinoa… Read more >

What the wheat

If you’re wondering why there have been more giveaway posts and Spain recaps than daily eats lately, it’s because I’ve been doing the fructans challenge phase.  And I’m not thrilled with it.  At first I was nervous about reintroducing fructans, then I was excited, then I went overboard… I actually started last week, but had such horrible symptoms, I went back to the elimination diet for two days in between, just to allow my body to rest and re-set. I’ll share my reactions and symptoms in more detail at the end (ie once I’ve sorted… Read more >


I have been completely lagging in showing off my work eats.  Packing up my food for the hospital is an art form, but it’s one I’ve perfected.  Blogging about them, however, takes more time and I’m always exhausted when I get home from 12+ hours on my feet.  And of course, there was the unexpected drive down to Newport Beach this weekend…so I’m definitely behind.  Not to throw excuses at you, I’m just saying, I have weeks of hospital food stored up.  How excited are you!?  Ha! Here what’s to follow: on-the-go meals that are… Read more >

Quinoa carotene bowl

Who loves orange food?  I do!  I probably have amazing Vitamin A levels 🙂   Sweet potatoes have B-carotene up the yin yang (a precursor to Vitamin A).    I had baked these rounds a few day ago and they were just waiting to be incorporated into a recipe.   More orange foods!  Bell peppers and carrots and hummus… Plus red quinoa and couscous.   I ate some of the baked sweet potato rounds as chips.  Perfect hummus vehicles 🙂 The only thing you need to do for this recipe is add everything to a… Read more >


Before I get into the latest and greatest from the hippie kitchen, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to offer their thoughts on yesterday’s post.  The discussion certainly got more heated than I anticipated (and some comments were a bit harsh), but it was great to read how others felt about sharing your views with your family/friends.  Being brave enough to stand up for your beliefs while not pressuring others to feel guilty about having differing opinions is definitely a fine line…and it seems that many feel there’s a… Read more >