
Savory Hash

  Ready for an unconventional breakfast?   Tea in a coffee cup.  Why I felt like this as opposed to this is a mystery. By the way, this photo is false advertising since I added a hefty pour of almond milk afterwards.  I like my tea (and coffee) the color of the discontinued light brown M&M’s.  Creamy.  The second reason this breakfast is unconventional (for me), is that I went savory as opposed to sweet.  And there are no grains to be found!   Recently, my mother-in-law and I had a discussion about breakfast fare. … Read more >

Multi-tasking like whoa

When are you most productive in the day?  Are you a morning person?  I’m not.  I don’t feel like cooking or baking in the morning (which is why I pack my work food the night before).  I generally hit my stride in the early afternoon, but every once in a while I’ll have a late night frenzy in the kitch. Last night was one of those nights.  We were out of bread.  We had black bananas.  We had raw home-made yeast dough that needed to meet it’s fate.  And I was feeling chef-tastic.  Count it… Read more >

Stuffing in Spring

  I rarely care about special holiday meals on day’s I work (usually I just reschedule holiday celebrations* as it suits my hospital schedule), but for some reason I was dead set on an Easter Dinner that didn’t involve reheating leftovers.  However, as I already shared, I was at the hospital all weekend.  Which meant Kyle ditched Santa Monica to spend the holiday with his parents.  Which meant I was in charge of providing whatever “special something” I wanted for myself.  Cooking a real meal (without the microwave) after 12+ hours of nursing is ludicrous. … Read more >

The “healthiest” salad

The second #HAWMC prompt called for an inspiring quote.  I’m one of those cheesy losers that already has a collection saved in my gmail inbox.  I like motivation.  Here are some of my favorites. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. -Thomas Jefferson Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. -Robert Collier I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure–which is:… Read more >

Coveting comfort (giveaway)

Last week I teased you all with a post showing off my newest obsession, Gluten-Free Vegan Comfort Food by Susan O’Brien.   My comfort cravings have only intensified in the last week… Case in point: lasagna, mac ‘n cheese, pizza.  Yeah, I like this cookbook. Some other recipes I have highlighted for April include: home-made cashew milk, amaranth breakfast bowl, cheesy spoonbread, marinated tempeh, raw cinnamon rolls, and green curry peanut sauce with spinach and red rice.   I’ve already read the entire book from cover to cover (like most people read literature).  And I… Read more >